256 results
King George V Playing Field Public Engagement Event
Help to continue to improve KGV open space and play areas in Highcliffe at this drop in event. MoreClosed 18 July 2018 -
Marnhull Rise Open Space Consultation
Winchester City Council's Landscape & Open Spaces Team are carrying out a review of the open space at Marnhull Rise. MoreClosed 9 July 2018 -
Affordable housing in Woodman Close and Bostock Close, Sparsholt
Winchester is a great place to live but it's expensive too. Winchester City Council is doing something about it! Join us to view our latest proposal for new affordable housing. And find out how to stay in the loop by registering with Hampshire Home Choice. Drop in between 10.00am - 14.00pm on Saturday 16 June. Sparsholt Memorial Hall Woodman Lane Sparsholt Winchester SO21 2NR To view more information about the event please view the related documents below MoreClosed 30 June 2018 -
Taplings Road Play Area Consultation
Winchester City Council's Landscape & Open Spaces Team are carrying out a review of the Taplings Road play area in Weeke. All existing play equipment will be removed and a new play area created. MoreClosed 15 June 2018 -
Winchester Criterium & CycleFest
Winchester Criterium and CycleFest Winchester City Council has been working in partnership with Hampshire County Council and Bespoke Biking to develop a range of initiatives which aim to increase cycling awareness and participation throughout the Winchester District. We are also working to improve active travel around the Winchester City Centre to help reduce pollution. Winchester Criterium and CycleFest will be taking place on Sunday 10 th June 2018 to highlight the... MoreClosed 12 June 2018 -
Community Governance Review - Littleton & Harestock
Winchester City Council is consulting local people on options to change the current parish council arrangements for Littleton & Harestock. This will aim to best meet the needs of local people to manage affairs in the areas where they live. MoreClosed 28 May 2018 -
Community Governance Review - West of Waterlooville (Phase 2)
In January 2018, this council consulted local residents on the shape of parish council governance for West of Waterlooville, Denmead, Southwick & Widley areas. This followed the receipt of a petition from over 200 local residents requesting a review to examine forming a new Parish Council for the West of Waterlooville area. Four options were presented for consideration. More than 600 people responded with 74% supporting the new Parish Council option. Options... MoreClosed 22 April 2018 -
Winchester City Council Call for Sites 2018
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) Why are we undertaking a Call for Sites? This Call for Sites will inform the preparation of the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). This is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework. The SHELAA will be a technical document that will form part of the evidence base and provide information on sites with potential for housing, economic development, gypsy and... MoreClosed 6 April 2018 -
Winnall Business Forum Feasibility Study
ESTABLISHING AN INDEPENDENT COHESIVE VOICE FOR BUSINESSES IN WINNALL With support from Winchester City Council, the aim of the Winnall Business Forum (WBF) is to create a self sustaining independent business forum representing the views of businesses based at Winnall and work to influence positive change in the area. The aim of this consultation is to give those who work in the Winnall business area the chance to feedback, influence and help determine the focus of the group. MoreClosed 26 March 2018 -
Former Police Station, Dolphin Hill, Twyford
Winchester City Council is proposing to develop two new family homes on 1a Dolphin Hill (a former single storey office) and the adjacent garages. In addition, the council is taking this opportunity to inform local residents of the improvements being undertaken to 1 Dolphin Hill. To view the proposal, please see the Related Documents below. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us using the details provided. MoreClosed 25 March 2018 -
Station Approach Public Realm Strategy and Masterplan Framework
The Station Approach masterplan framework is taking shape. We hope to provide much needed Grade A offices, housing, shops and improved public areas. We are holding a series of drop in events during March so you can meet the Design Team: Wednesday 7 March from 4pm to 7pm: drop-in evening exhibition at Hampshire Record Office on Sussex Street in Winchester Thursday 15 March from 5pm to 8pm: drop-in evening exhibition at Hampshire Record Office on Sussex Street in... MoreClosed 19 March 2018 -
Winchester District Gypsy and Traveller DPD (Pre Submission)
Local Authorities are required by Central Government to assess the accommodation requirements of Gypsies and Travellers and to develop a strategy that addresses any unmet need. Winchester City Council is consulting on its Traveller Development Plan Document (Traveller DPD). The Traveller DPD safeguards and allocates sites to meet identified traveller accommodation needs for the District, outside of the South Downs National Park. This stage of the preparation of the DPD focusses on... MoreClosed 26 February 2018 -
Central Winchester Regeneration Draft Supplementary Planning Document
Winchester City Council is consulting on a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the Central Winchester Regeneration Area (CWR area). The SPD has been prepared for Winchester City Council by JTP architects and masterplanners to set out a vision and urban design framework for the future development of the CWR Area. The document will, if adopted, provide design guidance for development in the CWR Area and will supplement the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 2013 and Part... MoreClosed 5 February 2018 -
Community Governance Review - West of Waterlooville (Phase 1)
Winchester City Council is consulting local people on options to change the current parish council arrangements in Denmead and Southwick & Widley. This will aim to better serve the new housing in the West of Waterlooville Major Development Area (MDA). We want to hear your views. MoreClosed 5 February 2018 -
Tree Planting 2017/2018
Winchester City Council has put together our tree planting programme for 2017 / 2018. We would like to invite residents to view the proposed planting scheme. Should you wish to make any comments on any of the proposals, please contact the Tree Team on 01962 848 301 or via email at landscape@winchester.gov.uk . MoreClosed 2 February 2018 -
Winchester Sport & Leisure Park - Phase 3 Engagement
Stride Treglown architects and LA architects, on behalf of Winchester City Council and the University of Winchester, invite your comments on the initial concept designs for the new Sport & Leisure Centre and the Urban Design Framework for Bar End. The Winchester Sport & Leisure Park is a City Council initiative, in conjunction with the University of Winchester and The Pinder Trust, to improve the sports and leisure facilities. It enhances the... MoreClosed 21 January 2018 -
Location satisfaction survey
The Community Safety and Neighbourhoods Services team at Winchester City Council are completing an area specific satisfaction survey. We are using baseline data from Anti Social Behaviour hot spot locations identified within the previous year that have been raised via the Community Safety Partnership and OVAL (Offender, Victim and Location) meetings from the previous year. MoreClosed 19 January 2018 -
Winchester District Sport & Physical Activity Alliance Framework 2018 - 23
This Framework has been prepared collaboratively by strategic partners in the Winchester District to offer guidance and support for all organisations across the District for the next five years. As an organisation involved in the delivery of activities and facilities in relation to sport and physical activity we would really value your comments and input. Please can you respond to the aspects in the Framework that relate to your organisation by Friday 12 th January 2018. MoreClosed 12 January 2018 -
Sports Pitch Survey 2017
Winchester City Council's Landscape & Open Spaces Team is currently reviewing the process of taking bookings for the use of Council owned sports pitches and want to learn how best to improve the service you currently receive. MoreClosed 8 December 2017 -
Parking Permit Applications 2017
Winchester City Council’s Parking Services is currently reviewing the process of issuing parking permits and season tickets and want to learn how best to improve the service you currently receive. MoreClosed 30 November 2017 -
Improvements to Stanmore Recreation Ground
Winchester City Council have been working on improvements to Stanmore Recreation Ground which so far have included the installation of football goals, planting an avenue of trees and planting a hedge around the perimeter of the recreation ground. The next phase of works are due to commence in September and will install a tarmac area with combination football/basketball ends. Consideration is now being given to the installation of a BMX track and youth shelter and the Council would... MoreClosed 8 October 2017 -
Winchester Criterium & Cyclefest 2017 - Feedback
Sunday 11th June 2017 saw Winchester’s City Centre streets closed for a day of all things cycling and we were thrilled that so many people could be a part of it this year! We are always looking for ways to improve the event year on year so what better way to do so than talking to the people who's opinions we care about the most...YOU! We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments of your time to complete this short survey to let us know your thoughts on this year's... MoreClosed 30 September 2017 -
Naming of Open Space at Hillier Way
The next stage in the development of the open Space at Hillier Way is to officially name the area available to the public at the site. As the 6 th Winchester Scouts will have their new scout hut housed on the land, we invited the group to suggest names for the site which have now been shortlisted. Winchester City Council would like to invite the residents of Winchester to vote for the new name for the open space at Hillier Way. MoreClosed 22 September 2017 -
Review of OVAL procedures
A review of the OVAL (Offender, Victim and Location) meeting, procedures and outcomes. MoreClosed 19 September 2017 -
Winchester Young People’s Job Bulletin
The August 2017 edition of the Winchester Young People’s Job Bulletin will be the last to be issued due to staffing changes at Southampton City Council who produce the bulletin on behalf of Winchester City Council. The bulletin includes job vacancies and training opportunities as well as apprenticeships in the Winchester District. In order that Winchester City Council can decide whether to continue with the bulletin we would like to ask you a few questions about how useful you... MoreClosed 17 September 2017 -
Winchester District: Traveller Plan
Local Authorities are required by Central Government to assess the accommodation requirements of Gypsies and Travellers and to develop a strategy that addresses any unmet need identified. The Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Development Plan Document (Traveller DPD) will form part of the Winchester District Development Plan and will identify, safeguard and allocate sites for traveller needs, it will also respond to and implement the local planning policies already established in... MoreClosed 4 September 2017 -
Use of Agency Temps
This consultation helps us to identify the current use of agency temps across the Council and helps us to identify future requirements. MoreClosed 31 August 2017 -
Sport & Leisure Park Winchester - Phase 2
River Park Leisure Centre is more than 40 years old and its ability to meet the needs of a growing population in Winchester is limited. The City Council has looked at various options for replacing or refurbishing it and has commissioned work from external consultants to test the various options. In September 2015, having looked at the cost and practicality of these various options, the Council agreed that the preferred option, if it is affordable and deliverable, would be a new leisure... MoreClosed 18 August 2017 -
Meryon Road and Robertson Road Garage Stock Condition Survey
Winchester City Council is undertaking a stock condition survey of the garage blocks on Meryon Road and Robertson Road, Alresford. MoreClosed 28 July 2017 -
Rowlings Road Eastern Garage Court, Weeke
This survey relates to the public consultation for the proposed redevelopment of Rowlings Road Eastern Garage Court, Weeke. MoreClosed 27 July 2017
256 results.
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