Welcome to WCC's Consultation Pages.

We're committed to involving people in decisions that affect them, and value their input in planning, delivering and evaluating services.The Council is keen to make it easier for you to have your say on the decisions that affect you.

Consultations provide you with an opportunity to have your say. They also help us to find out what you think and to understand your priorities and concerns. 

Your participation makes a difference.

Open Consultations

  • Sheltered Accommodation Age Change Consultation

    In order to make the best use of stock and reduce homelessness, Winchester City Council are considering reducing the minimum age at which it lets Sheltered Accommodation. Winchester City Council currently only lets Sheltered Accommodation to households where the main applicant is 60...

    Closes 29 July 2024

  • Winchester City Council Repairs and Maintenance Redesign Workshop Feeback Form

    Winchester City Council Repairs and Maintenance Redesign Workshop Feeback Form

    Closes 31 July 2024

  • Talavera Park Play Area Online Consultation

    Talavera Park is located is an important area of open space, highly valued by local residents. It provides a place to play close to home and is overlooked by nearby properties which face and back on to the open space. Our current equipment is nearing its end of life, so it's...

    Closes 2 August 2024

  • Creativity & culture across Winchester district

    We would like to understand what residents in Winchester think about creativity and culture across the district. What do those words mean to you, what activities do you take part in and how do you enjoy spending your time?

    Closes 31 December 2024

  • Neighbourhood Services Health and Safety Inspections Survey

    The council’s Neighbourhood Services & Community Safety Team regularly visits your block of flats to undertake visual Health & Safety checks inside and outside your block to ensure they are safe and well maintained. They will report repairs to communal areas, monitor waste disposal by residents to...

    Closes 28 February 2025

  • Cleaning Services Survey

    The council’s Neighbourhood Services & Community Safety Team welcomes your feedback on the cleaning service you receive to your communal areas. Please take the time to answer a few short questions about the block you live in, so we can monitor your experience of this service.

    Closes 28 February 2025

  • Grounds Maintenance Survey

    The council’s Neighbourhood Services & Community Safety Team welcomes your feedback on the grounds maintenance service you receive. Please take the time to answer a few short questions about the communal gardens where you live, so we can monitor your experience of this service.

    Closes 28 February 2025

  • Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance Questionnaire

    Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance Questionnaire

    Closes 26 July 2025

Closed Consultations

  • Welcome to the Neighbourhood Questionnaire - May 2024

    Reducing the fear of crime and the incidence of crime and disorder

    Closed 26 May 2024

  • Repairs Service Re-design

    Our contracts with Cardo (formerly Osborne) and CCS will end in the Summer of 2026 so we need to start the process of procuring new contracts as this can take over 2 years. We have recently started work on redesigning the Repairs Service and an essential feature of the redesign is...

    Closed 20 May 2024

  • Talavera Road Play Area Refurbishment

    Winchester City Council Natural Environment and Recreation Team are carrying out a review of the Talavera Road play area. Existing play equipment and seating will be removed and a new play area created. Your help in deciding what equipment is installed in this area would be appreciated.

    Closed 19 March 2024

  • King Alfred Place Estate Improvements - consultation

    As part of our Estate Improvements Programme, Winchester City Council wishes to consult with residents on a proposal to carry out improvements to the communal outdoor spaces at King Alfred Place. The aim is to provide residents with better opportunities to enjoy the communal outdoor...

    Closed 18 March 2024

  • Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award 2024

    It is with great pleasure that the Mayor of Winchester, Cllr Angela Clear, launches the annual Mayor of Winchester’s Community Awards. The Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award recognises and celebrates the organisations and individuals who have given outstanding service to the people...

    Closed 18 February 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes. See all outcomes

We asked

The council’s Natural Environment and Recreation Team asked for your help in deciding what equipment to install in the Talavera Road play area.

You said

We received 30 responses. Here is a summary of the top findings…

Of the 19 respondents who do not use an existing play area, 44% said that it was because it has the wrong type of equipment.

73% said that the playground should cater for 4–11-year-olds.

The top five ranked favourite activities are:

  1. Swinging
  2. Sliding
  3. Climbing and balancing
  4. Jumping and bouncing
  5. Spinning

The top five equipment preferences were:

  1. Slide
  2. Trampoline
  3. Football goal
  4. Climbing frame
  5. Swings

87% did not want the playground to be themed.

Dog fouling was a recuring issue raised in comments.

We did

We have collated the consultation results and these will be used to inform the design of an upgraded play area.

We asked

The Estate Improvements Team put forward a scheme to provide the residents of King Alfred Place with better opportunities to enjoy the communal outdoor spaces, improved drying facilities and secure cycle storage.

The proposal included creating more useable space by moving back a retaining wall, providing seating, planters, water butts, washing lines and secure cycle storage, as well as, replacing damaged fencing and extending the block paving.

We specifically asked residents if they wished to

  • Grow their own plants, fruit and vegetables
  • Dry their washing outside
  • Keep a bicycle

You said

We received seven responses as follows:

  • 85.7% of respondents are interested in growing their own plants, fruits, and vegetables
  • Some respondents wanted to dry their laundry outside and were keen for the washing line to be located in a central position to take advantage of the sun
  • 57.1% said that they would make use of secure bicycle storage despite only 28.6% currently owning a bike
  • There were several requests for secure garden storage and for repairs to be made to the fencing

We did

We have amended the plan in response to residents’ feedback and requirements and are now working towards delivering the improvements.

We asked

The Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award recognises and celebrates the organisations and individuals who have given outstanding service to the people of Winchester District.  The Mayor invited nominations that reflect the full range of community support from all corners of the Winchester District.

You said

Between 3 January and 18 February 2024, we received 125 nominations for the Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award.

We did

All nominations were considered carefully, and more than 100 award-winners were invited to receive their certificates and pin badges from the Mayor at a special event in the Guildhall on 7 March. Photos were taken with the Mayor and award-winners, which were available to take away at the end of the evening as a souvenir.

Community contributions recognised at annual Mayor’s Awards - Winchester City Council