242 results
Water Lane Water safety awareness day 26/07/2023
Meeting the Neighbourhood Engagement Team Meeting members of the Winchester Fire & Rescue Service and the Water Safety Officer Water Safety Awareness Tips ASB Reporting advice MoreClosed 7 August 2023 -
Winchester Community Day For Young People 2023
Winchester Community Day For Young People 2023 MoreClosed 3 August 2023 -
Westfield Road Open Space Improvement Scheme
As part of our Estate Improvement Programme, Winchester City Council are consulting with residents on a proposal to carry out improvements to the open space for the community. MoreClosed 12 July 2023 -
Highcliffe Walkabouts 29th June 2023
Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Team will listen to your concerns around any community issues.We will work together with our partners and sign post to resolve your issues in your community. MoreClosed 6 July 2023 -
SCT event satisfaction April 2023
Closed 30 June 2023 -
Wickham Community Fire Safety
Wickham Community Fire Safety MoreClosed 23 June 2023 -
Community Together and Growing for Wellbeing
Reducing the fear of crime and the incidence of crime and disorder MoreClosed 14 June 2023 -
Controlled Parking Zone consultation
On-street parking is currently restricted by means of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). Most of the restrictions within the zone operate from Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm. At present, due to the lack of parking restrictions on-street on Sundays, there are concerns that inappropriate, or inconsiderate parking occurs in some areas (i.e residents are not able to park in permit bays on Sundays). Therefore, we are considering whether to include Sundays in the same way that... MoreClosed 4 June 2023 -
Dell Road, Winchester - Traffic Regulation Order proposal
Winchester City Council as agents for Hampshire County Council proposes to make the above road traffic regulation order. The proposed Order is required to improve safety for vehicles and pedestrians. The effect of this order will be to amend the zone boundary of Zone X2, changing the permit bays on Dell Road from zone X into zones X and X2. Links to the consultation documents can be found at the bottom of this page. MoreClosed 19 April 2023 -
Winchester Various Traffic Regulation Order
Winchester City Council as agents for Hampshire County Council proposes to make a traffic regulation order. The proposed Order is required to improve visibility and road safety. The effect of this order will be to introduce or amend restrictions at the following locations : Moorside Road – Introduce no waiting at any time near bends Marnhull Rise – Introduce no waiting between 8am – 10pm Monday - Saturday Taplings Road... MoreClosed 19 April 2023 -
The Square Pedestrian Zone extension
Winchester City Council as agents for Hampshire County Council proposes to make the above traffic regulation orders. The proposed Orders are required to improve road safety. Currently a pedestrian and cycle zone operates at weekends from Saturday 10am to Sunday midnight at the following locations: Great Minster Street from the boundary of no. 6 and no. 7 Great Minster Street to its junction with The Square. The Square from its junction with Great... MoreClosed 22 March 2023 -
Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award 2023
It is with great pleasure that the Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award is launched for 2023. The Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award recognises and celebrates the organisations and individuals who have given outstanding service to the people of the Winchester District. The aim of these awards is to celebrate the selfless activity that brightens the lives of many residents, and makes the District a wonderful place in which to live. The Mayor... MoreClosed 24 February 2023 -
Littleton Village Design Statement
A draft Village Design Statement (VDS) has been produced by the local community for the area of Littleton Parish (excluding Harestock), to supersede the current VDS which dates from 2010. The VDS will provide design guidance for development within and around Littleton Village, highlighting the distinctive characteristics of the area. The document can be viewed here . Following the consideration of responses received on the draft, the VDS will be finalised for adoption by... MoreClosed 20 February 2023 -
Garage lettings policy
The Council’s Housing Service is currently reviewing its garage lettings policy. The policy sets out how we allocate garages to those on the waiting list as well as other matters such as the associated charging. Currently Winchester City Council tenants on the garage waiting list get priority for any garage vacancies and also benefit from lower garage licence fees. We are seeking your views on these matters and other garage lettings criteria as part of the review. ... MoreClosed 31 January 2023 -
Community Governance Review - North Whiteley (Phase 2)
We conducted a consultation exercise recently which asked residents in Whiteley and Curdridge for their views on how they could best be represented at the level of local government closest to communities. We received 742 responses to that consultation and more than 70% of respondents said they would prefer all the new development at North Whiteley to become part of Whiteley Town Council. Whiteley Town Council and Curdridge Parish Council also supported that option. We are... MoreClosed 6 January 2023 -
Winchester District Local Plan 2019-2039: Regulation 18 Consultation
What is a Local Plan? The Local Plan is the long-term plan for the Winchester District until 2039, outside the South Downs National Park. The Local Plan addresses a range of matters: the climate emergency, the highest standards possible for environmental design for homes and for commercial development, affordable housing, low carbon methods of transport and the natural and historic environment. This local plan is a significant change to our... MoreClosed 14 December 2022 -
Heating Systems
90% of council homes have a gas-fired heating system. Whilst gas-fired systems have always been expensive to maintain, these systems have been the tenants preferred choice over the last few decades because they are relatively easy of use, have comparatively low running costs and the systems are highly responsive (short warm up time). The council has declared a climate emergency, and both nationally and internationally there is now a far greater drive to reduce energy... MoreClosed 12 December 2022 -
Winchester City Council - Crowdfunding Scheme
For over two years Winchester City Council has been working in partnership with Crowdfunder to support organisations across the district in raising funds on the Crowdfunder platform. Advice, support and match funding has been available to both not for profit organisations and businesses, and we would like to know what you think about the scheme and how it suits your needs. Please be honest with your feedback: the results of the survey will help Winchester City Council to... MoreClosed 30 November 2022 -
Station Approach
This is an opportunity to enhance a much-loved area of our city and reimagine it’s cultural, business and retail offer in a way that keeps the area relevant, enhances our recovering economy and complements the existing and developing offers across other quarters of our city. The aim is to capture what local people and users of the area want and need and create a diverse offer that caters for all needs and serves our city and district well. The consultation will be open for 12 weeks and... MoreClosed 21 October 2022 -
Community Governance Review - North Whiteley (Phase 1)
Winchester City Council is consulting local people on options to change the current parish and town council arrangements in Whiteley and Curdridge. This will aim to better serve the new housing in the North Whiteley Major Development Area (MDA). MoreClosed 9 October 2022 -
Planning Local Validation Requirement List
Review of Winchester City Council’s Local List for Validation Since 2008 Local Planning Authorities have been required to publish a list of information they require to “validate” the planning applications they receive. This validation list forms two components, the national requirements, including the application form, the fee, certificates etc. and secondly, specific local validation requirements known as the “Local List”. Winchester City Council’s Local... MoreClosed 30 August 2022 -
Hackney Carriage Fare Review - Pre-Consultation Survey
Winchester City Council’s Licensing Department is considering undertaking a review of hackney carriage fares in the district, following feedback from the taxi and private hire trade. The last fare increase was in 2011, with a review in 2016 rejected by the Licensing Committee following strong opposition by the trade. MoreClosed 29 July 2022 -
Bishops Waltham TRO 2022
Winchester City Council as agents for Hampshire County Council proposes making a new road Traffic Regulation Order. The effect of this order will be to: introduce parking restrictions in the roads surrounding the Infant and Junior Schools amend some of the parking restrictions on the High Street introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction of The Avenue and Winchester Road B2177. Infant and Junior Schools proposals would introduce: no waiting... MoreClosed 27 July 2022 -
Abbey Gardens Play Area Refurbishment
Winchester City Council Natural Environment and Recreation Team is carrying out a review of the Abbey Gardens play area. All existing play equipment and seating will be removed and a new play area created. Your help in deciding what equipment is installed in this area would be appreciated. MoreClosed 17 July 2022 -
Cleaning Contract Consultation
Winchester City Council is preparing to tender for a new contract for cleaning of the communal areas of our blocks of flats. MoreClosed 24 June 2022 -
St Maurice’s Covert Public Art Mural Commission
Earlier this year, Winchester City Council announced plans to commission an experienced artist to design and deliver an inspiring and vibrant mural at St Maurice’s Covert, located in the centre of Winchester between the High Street and the cathedral. Following an open call, which attracted over thirty submissions, Winchester City Council is delighted to announce the shortlist: Molly Hawkins, Jo Swannell and Sarah Hodgkins, and reveal their designs. MoreClosed 24 June 2022 -
Micheldever Village Design Statement
A draft Village Design Statement (VDS) has been produced by the local community for the area of Micheldever Parish, to supersede the current VDS which dates from 2002. The VDS will provide design guidance for development within the Parish, highlighting the distinctive characteristics of the area. Following the consideration of responses received on the draft, the VDS will be finalised for adoption by WCC as a Supplementary Planning Document. Once adopted by WCC, the VDS... MoreClosed 28 March 2022 -
Taxi Policy and Conditions Review
Following publication of the Department for Transport’s ‘statutory taxi and private hire vehicle standards’ in July 2020, Winchester City Council is reviewing the following documents: Statement of Licensing Policy with respect to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers, Vehicles and Private Hire Operators Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Drivers Conditions Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicle Conditions ... MoreClosed 14 March 2022 -
Landscape Character Assessment Consultation
Winchester City Council is consulting on a draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the updated Landscape Character Assessment (LCA). The SPD has been prepared for Winchester City Council by the Terra Firma Consultancy Ltd and incorporates changes to the landscape character of the district including the creation of the South Downs National Park. The document will, if adopted, provide additional guidance and understanding for development in the district and will supplement the... MoreClosed 21 February 2022 -
The Broadway Market TRO (experimental)
The Winchester City Council (Prohibition of Vehicles) (The Broadway and Colebrook Street, Winchester) Experimental Order 2021 Winchester City Council has made the above Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. The affect of this Order is: 1. The general effect of the Order will be as an experiment, to introduce a Prohibition of Vehicles on Sunday between 6am-7pm, to enable Sunday Markets to be held on the Broadway, at the following locations: a. The Broadway... MoreClosed 15 February 2022
242 results.
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