246 results
ePanel August 2015
This is the latest Winchester City Council ePanel Consultation. We are using two questions to seek views about a range of issues that affect where people live. The results of these two questions will show us what is important and which of those issues most need improving. MoreClosed 20 October 2015 -
Exhibition on replacement surgery for the St Clements Practice
An exhibition displaying information and designs regarding the proposed new surgery is taking place in the Wintonian Room, Guildhall, Winchester on 20 November 1.30pm – 6.00pm and 21 November 10.00am - 12.00pm 2015. The purpose of this exhibition is to provide an opportunity to view the emerging designs of the new surgery. The architects and a representative from the St Clements Practice will be on hand to answer any questions you may have regarding these proposals. If you have... MoreClosed 21 November 2015 -
Creative Enterprise Centre Follow Up Survey
Thank you for visiting the site for the new Creative Enterprise Centre. Now that you have seen it for yourself, we would like you to answer the following questions. The survey should take no more than ten minutes to complete. Please submit your response by Monday 30 November. MoreClosed 27 November 2015 -
Draft Bishop's Waltham Village Design Statement
A draft Village Design Statement (VDS) has been produced by the local community for the area of Bishop's Waltham Parish outside the South Downs National Park. A consultation on the draft VDS was held between 4 November and midday on 3 December 2015 as part of the process of considering the document for adoption as a supplementary planning document. The document will, when adopted, provide design guidance for development in Bishops Waltham Parish (outside the South Downs National... MoreClosed 3 December 2015 -
Winchester Leisure Centre - Bar End Option Local Business Consultation
The existing leisure centre in Winchester is over 40 years old and the cost of maintaining the centre will increase significantly over coming years. In addition, the question arises as to whether the existing leisure centre can continue to meet the needs of a growing population, alongside the already high participation levels in sport in our district. In September 2015 Cabinet decided on a preferred option of building a new leisure centre at Bar End with the refurbishment of the existing... MoreClosed 14 December 2015 -
Winchester Leisure Centre - Bar End Option Local Residents Consultation
The existing leisure centre in Winchester is over 40 years old and the cost of maintaining the centre will increase significantly over coming years. In addition, the question arises as to whether the existing leisure centre can continue to meet the needs of a growing population alongside the already high participation levels in sport in our district. In September 2015 Cabinet decided on a preferred option of a new leisure centre at Bar End with the refurbishment of the existing Leisure... MoreClosed 14 December 2015 -
Winchester City Council - Draft Portfolio Plans 2016/17
The Council has published its draft Portfolio Plans for 2016/17 which set out Cabinet’s priorities and together form the Council’s business plan for the coming year. They highlight the key projects that will help deliver the Council’s vision for the Winchester District as set out in the Community Strategy . The focus for 2016/17 will be: Ensuring focus is maintained on the Council’s Capital Programme Consolidating on-going work from previous year’s Portfolio... MoreClosed 18 December 2015 -
Publication (Pre-Submission) Local Plan Part 2
The consultation on the Publication (Pre-Submission) version of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 2: Development Management and Site Allocations has now closed (the consultation was taken off-line at noon on 21 December 2015). The Council will now summarise the main issues raised and submit the Plan for examination by an independent Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. The Council will also send the representations it has received during the consultation... MoreClosed 21 December 2015 -
Casson Block Frontage
This short survey regarding the frontage of the Casson Block on St George's Street in Winchester invites you to contribute thoughts about how the area can be improved. A draft design has been produced based on early input from some of the tenant businesses of the building. This is available to view at Winchester Business Centre on Parchment Street from Monday 23 November 2015 to Monday 4 January 2016 , and can also be viewed online at the Casson Block Web Page. Please do... MoreClosed 28 December 2015 -
Winchester Leisure Centre - Users Consultation
The existing leisure centre in Winchester is over 40 years old and the cost of maintaining the centre will increase significantly over coming years. In addition the question arises as to whether the existing leisure centre can continue to meet the needs of a growing population alongside already high participation levels. In September 2015 Cabinet decided on a preferred option of a new leisure centre at Bar End with the refurbishment of the existing Leisure Centre as a second option. MoreClosed 15 January 2016 -
Draft Denmead Village Design Statement
A draft Village Design Statement (VDS) has been produced by the local community for the area of Denmead Parish outside the South Downs National Park. A consultation on the draft VDS was held between 16 December and midday on 29 January 2016 as part of the process of considering the document for adoption as a supplementary planning document. The document will, when adopted, provide design guidance for development in Denmead Parish (outside the South Downs National Park) and will... MoreClosed 29 January 2016 -
Roberts Close Parking/Landscaping Estate Improvement
This consultation is regarding possible estate improvements to Roberts Close, Wickham. Possible improvements could include additional parking, soft landscaping and footpath resurfacing. MoreClosed 31 January 2016 -
North Winchester / Park Avenue Flood Alleviation Scheme - consultation
Winchester City Council is working in partnership with Hampshire County Council, the Environment Agency and Southampton University to develop a flood prevention scheme around the North Walls/Park Avenue area of the City. This area is within the flood zone and buildings such as St Bedes School, the University of Southampton School of Art and the Leisure Centre are very vulnerable to flooding. In addition once water starts to overflow from this area along Park Avenue then residential... MoreClosed 12 February 2016 -
Estate Improvement - Taplings Close, Weeke (additional parking)
This consultation is for the residents of Taplings Close, Weeke, regarding making improvements to the current parking provision in the Close. MoreClosed 26 February 2016 -
Estate Improvement - Pemerton Road, Weeke (additional parking)
This consultation is for the residents of Pemerton Road, Weeke, regarding making improvements to the current parking provision in the street. MoreClosed 26 February 2016 -
New Homes Tenant Survey - Itchen Abbas & Otterbourne
Winchester City Council’s New Homes Delivery Team provides new council homes for an ever growing housing waiting list, through a range of housing development sites across the Winchester District. Our aim is to reduce the number of people on our waiting list who require suitable accommodation by developing quality accommodation to meet their needs. We continue to strive towards improving the service and the delivery of those properties and the information and feedback you provide as part... MoreClosed 29 February 2016 -
Review of the Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003.v
The City Council is seeking to the amend the Licensing Policy published under section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003 to include consideration of the purposes and duties of the South Downs National Park. Comments can be submitted by email to licensing@winchester.gov.uk or by post to; Licensing Section, Winchester City Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester. SO23 9LJ (N o later than 29 February 2016 ... MoreClosed 29 February 2016 -
Weeke Open Space Improvements
Public consultation session on 2nd March from 4:00 - 8:00pm for residents of Weeke and Teg Down to view the proposed mitigation schemes for Dean Park and St Matthews Field. An update will also be provided on Taplings Road. MoreClosed 3 March 2016 -
Tenant Involvement & Training Survey
Please take a moment to complete this short questionnaire to help us get a better idea of what would encourage more tenants to be involved in their housing service. If you complete this form by the 12th March- you will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 'Love 2 Shop' voucher! The prize draw will be announced at the Tenants' Conference at the Guildhall on the 12th March. See you there! MoreClosed 12 March 2016 -
Creative enterprise
To gather the views and opinions of the public about the planning proposals. MoreClosed 21 March 2016 -
James Howell Court - car park improvement/bin store installation
As part of the Estate Improvement Programme, plans have been drawn up to improve the existing car park to create more spaces, and to remove the small wheeled bins, replaced with larger container bins, housed in a dedicated communal bin store. MoreClosed 8 April 2016 -
Community Strategy Review 2016
The Winchester District Community Strategy sets out how Winchester City Council wishes to see the District change for the better over the next few years. This has been developed over a number of years to reflect changing issues that the District faces and to reflects the aspirations of our many communities that make up the District and the role of our partners in delivering our vision and outcomes. This strategy will drive how the Council uses its resources, plans its services and... MoreClosed 17 April 2016 -
Digital Business Skills training
You recently took part in the Digital Business Skills training provided by Winchester City Council. In order for us to develop and expand the training which we provide to the businesses of the Winchester District, please can you complete this short questionnaire. MoreClosed 11 May 2016 -
Pound Road, Kingsworthy - bike and bin store provision
Residents at Pound Road are being consulted regarding proposals to introduce communal bike stores at the site, along with removing the existing individual wheeled refuse/recycling bins and replacing with larger 1100 litre "eurobins". MoreClosed 1 June 2016 -
Winnall Business Broadband Survey 2016
The Winnall Business Forum is collating information about local businesses' internet usage. This is to inform any plans to extend high speed broadband availability in the area for business use. Please complete the following questions to help us understand the existing internet capacity, and the desired internet capacity. You can find out more about the Winnall Business Forum online at www.facebook.com/winnallbusinessforum , on Twitter at @winnall_forum or by emailing ... MoreClosed 3 July 2016 -
Winchester Business Survey 2016
We are keen to ensure that the services we offer for business are shaped by your input, so we do hope you will find a few minutes to respond to this survey. The questions in this survey are grouped into three sections: General questions Better Business for All programme questions Winchester District Economic Strategy questions Thank you for you taking the time to complete this survey. Kate Cloud (Head of Economy and Arts, Winchester City Council) Dave... MoreClosed 17 July 2016 -
The Valley, Stanmore
We would like to hear your views and opinions on developing ideas in the Stanmore Planning Framework to provide new affordable homes and improved open space and recreation. We held a consultation on the 19th of July in St Lukes Church Hall where we presented our initial ideas to local residents. If you missed the consultation and would like to view the boards, they are available at the bottom of this page under related documents. If you would like to view a hard copy, the boards... MoreClosed 10 August 2016 -
Winchester Parking Strategy Review
The City Council’s Car Parking Strategy - Review 2016 The City Council’s District Car Parking Strategy covering the period 2014 -2018 was adopted following public consultation in the autumn of 2013 This strategy sets out Winchester City Council’s approach to managing the provision of car parking to serve Winchester itself (which for clarity we refer to as ‘Winchester Town’) and in the market towns of New Alresford, Bishops Waltham, Wickham, Whiteley and Denmead. As a... MoreClosed 30 August 2016 -
Mayles Lane, Knowle
Winchester City Council purchased three sites near Mayles Lane, Knowle. These are known as Dean Villas, Park Cottages and Knowle Business Park. The three sites formed part of a recently permitted outline planning application. In order to best meet local affordable housing need, the Council proposes some small amendments to the outline permission. The consultation will be held on the 8th of Sepember in Knowle Village Hall as a drop in event. Local residents are invited to come along any... MoreClosed 18 September 2016 -
Joint Waste Consultation
Essential services...have your say... Winchester City Council is reviewing its waste, recycling, grounds maintenance and street cleansing services. Residents are invited to give their views by completing this questionnaire and returning it to us. By filling in this questionnaire you will have the opportunity to influence the way services are provided to you in the future. MoreClosed 28 October 2016
246 results.
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