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256 results

  • Winchester Physical Activity Engagement Evening

    Please complete this short survey to let us know how we did. We would love to hear your feedback on how you feel the presentations went and how beneficial they were to you and your club. This will be used to improve our service for the next Engagement Evening. More
    Closed 29 October 2019
  • Central Winchester Regeneration Open Forum

    We’re giving you the opportunity to become more involved with the Central Winchester Regeneration project. The first Central Winchester Regeneration Open Forum took place on Tuesday 24 September, the aim of which was to give residents and others the opportunity to engage with and comment on the project. Residents we're able to ask questions and leave comments during event. If you are interested but were unable to attend and you would like to leave a comment please do so... More
    Closed 3 October 2019
  • Fire Safety Strategy

    As part of the Government's response to the Grenfell Fire an independent review of Building Regulations and in particular their impact on Fire Safety was commissioned. One of the recommendations of the independent review was for: a Stronger residents voice Further recommendations in the plan for applying these points included; Putting residents at the heart of the new system of building safety through better... More
    Closed 20 September 2019
  • Fire Safety Strategy - Leaseholders

    As part of the Government's response to the Grenfell Fire an independent review of Building Regulations and in particular their impact on Fire Safety was commissioned. One of the recommendations of the independent review was for: a Stronger residents voice Further recommendations in the plan for applying these points included; Putting residents at the heart of the new system of building safety through better... More
    Closed 20 September 2019
  • Dyson Drive, Abbotts Barton - New Homes Delivery Drop In Event

    Before we apply for planning permission, we would welcome your views on the proposals for 8 new affordable homes, and would like your ideas on how to improve the green space at Abbotts Barton More
    Closed 24 July 2019
  • Swanmore Village Design Statement Consultation 2019

    A draft Village Design Statement (VDS) has been produced by the local community for the area of Swanmore Parish, to supersede the current VDS which dates from 2001. The VDS will provide design guidance for development within the Parish, highlighting the distinctive characteristics of the area. The VDS is intended to apply throughout the whole of the Parish of Swanmore. However, as part of Swanmore Parish lies within the South Downs National Park, the South Downs National Park... More
    Closed 5 April 2019
  • North Walls and River Park Area Project

    Join us at North Walls Recreation Ground to give us your views on the recreation ground, the River Park site or Hyde Abbey Garden. Come along to the marquee on North Walls Recreation Ground behind the tennis courts. Everyone is welcome with activities for children and multi-sports sessions including tennis, cricket and football throughout the event. Friday 22 March 3pm - 7pm Saturday 23 March 10am - 4pm More
    Closed 23 March 2019
  • Station Approach Pre-application Engagement

    Using this form you will be able to provide comments on the proposed application for outline planning approval for Station Approach - Carfax site. You can also comment on the current proposals for the public realm works. We look forward to hearing your feedback on the proposals for the Carfax site and adjoining public realm. More
    Closed 4 March 2019
  • PH Jones

    In October 2017, PH Jones replaced Liberty Gas as Winchester City Council's preferred contractor to carry out the servicing and responsive repairs to your heating appliance and smoke detector/s. PH Jones are responsible for the maintenance of your heating system (except those tenants with electric storage or quantum heaters) and for your smoke alarm/s. For those tenants with non-gas heating systems (eg. oil, biomass, air source heat pump, solid fuel, and bottled gas) you may have been... More
    Closed 8 February 2019
  • Review of Statement of Principles - Gambling Act 2005

    The Council is required under the Act to review the Statement of Principles (“the Statement”) every three years. Under the Gambling Act 2005, the City Council is the Licensing Authority for gambling premises. The Council is required under the Act to review the Statement of Principles (“the Statement”) every three years. The Statement of Principles sets out the Council’s approach to applications under the Act and what information it expects applicants to provide with their... More
    Closed 20 January 2019
  • Review of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003

    Under Section 5 of the Act, the Council is required to review and publish is Licensing Policy every five years. Under the Licensing Act 2003 (“the Act”), the City Council is the Licensing Authority for licensed premises within the Council district. Under Section 5 of the Act, the Council is required to review and publish is Licensing Policy every five years. At the Licensing and Regulation Committee on 6 December 2018, the Council’s Licensing Policy was considered for review,... More
    Closed 20 January 2019
  • Help us name your new Sport & Leisure Centre

    Following planning approval for our new Sport & Leisure Centre, construction is due to start on site in the early part of 2019. Within the Centre, there will be a wide range of new facilities such as a 50m swimming pool, as well as a teaching pool and splash area for beginners. It will also include a multi-use sports hall, a climbing wall, various studios, squash courts as well as a hydrotherapy suite with a pool that can be used to treat people with a wide range of disabilities and... More
    Closed 7 December 2018
  • Mutual Exchange Policy Review

    Currently Winchester City Council's mutual exchange policy allows council tenants to move to a property with one bedroom more than their assessed bedroom need. Winchester City Council is currently reviewing this policy. The Council’s allocations framework was amended in 2015 to ensure that properties allocated to applicants were in line with their actual housing need. Also in 2013, Housing Benefit changed under the Social Sector Size Criteria. This means those... More
    Closed 4 December 2018
  • Parks and Green Spaces Visitor Survey

    Winchester City Council wants to hear what you think about our parks and green spaces. More
    Closed 30 November 2018
  • Consultation on Modifications to Gypsy and Traveller DPD

    Following the Examination on 3 and 4 September 2018, to consider the soundness of the submitted Winchester District Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpersons Development Plan Document ‘Traveller DPD’, the Council has been informed by the Inspector Louise Crosby MA MRTPI, that subject to including a number of modifications that were discussed during the Examination Hearings, that the DPD could be found sound in due course. The Council has now compiled a series of... More
    Closed 23 November 2018
  • Taplings Road Play Area Consultation - Design Phase

    The tenders for Taplings Road have now been received and there are some very exciting design options for you to choose from. More
    Closed 14 November 2018
  • Parking and waiting restrictions - Highcliffe, Winchester

    Winchester City Council is looking at revising/introducing parking and waiting restrictions for residents in Highcliffe. We want residents views on the options. More
    Closed 31 October 2018
  • Winchester Sport & Physical Activity Alliance Club Engagement Evening

    The Winchester District Sport and Physical Activity Alliance (SPAA) involves key local organisations including; Winchester City Council, Energise Me, PFP Leisure, Sparsholt College and The University of Winchester . This group are currently in the process of are organising a Club Engagement Evening which will support local clubs to shape their future moving forward. More
    Closed 30 September 2018
  • SHELAA Methodology Consultation

    The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment known as the SHELAA is a technical document which provides a register of sites submitted by l andowners and a gents, for potential housing, economic development, Gypsy and Travelling Showpeople, Self Build housing etc. in relation to their :- Suitability - is the site suitable for development are there any know constraints A vailability - is the site available for development and being... More
    Closed 21 September 2018
  • Statement of Community Involvement

    The council’s existing SCI dates from 2007. Preparation of a refreshed SCI began in spring 2017, with a Citizen Space survey seeking views on ways of engaging in planning policy and on planning applications. A summary of the survey can be found here . Following on from this survey, a draft SCI has now been prepared. This consultation seeks you views on the content of the new SCI. Please read the draft SCI before completing the questionnaire. A copy of... More
    Closed 21 September 2018
  • Winchester Local Plan launch consultation

    The Planning Inspector in examining Local Plan Part 2 concluded that there was a need for a review of the adopted local plans (Local Plan part 1 and 2), to commence in 2018 with adoption by 2021. With revisions to the National Planning Policy Framework pending, including the introduction of a standardised methodology for calculating housing need, now is an appropriate time to launch the start of a new local plan. To help us identify the key issues that we will need to include... More
    Closed 21 September 2018
  • Highcliffe Play Area Consultation

    Winchester City Council's Landscape & Open Spaces Team are carrying out a review of the play areas in Highcliffe: Gordon Avenue and King George V. More
    Closed 21 September 2018
  • Introduction to emailed surveys

    Under the Housing Act 1985, councils must give tenants an opportunity to have their say before changes are made to services, policies and programmes. Your time to complete this short survey will be greatly appreciated. There are 11 questions and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Your response will help steer the way your council encourages tenant participation. More
    Closed 7 September 2018
  • Highcliffe Play Area Questionnaire

    Winchester City Council’s Landscape and Open Spaces Team are carrying out a review of the play areas within Highcliffe: King George V Play Area and Gordon Avenue. More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Use of King George V Playing Fields

    Help to continue to improve KGV open space and play areas in Highcliffe by telling us more about how you use the site. More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Winchester District Disability Sports Survey - Participant

    Disability Sports Survey: Participants The Winchester District Disability Sports Forum (WDDSF) have recently teamed up with Active Nation to expand the ActiveAbility programme which aims to increase access to sports, exercise and physical activities for those with a disability or long-term health condition. In 2013 and 2015 the WDDSF conducted a survey in order to improve participation levels and access to opportunities that currently exist. 5 years on and the forum along with... More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Affordable housing at land off Burnet Lane, Kings Worthy

    The Council is seeking comments on the provision of a small number of additional new homes on an area of land already approved for housing. This would see the remaining significant area of private land transferred into public ownership for a range of possible open space uses. More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Winchester District Disability Sports Survey - Providers

    Disability Sports Survey: Providers The Winchester District Disability Sports Forum (WDDSF) have recently teamed up with Active Nation to expand the ActiveAbility programme which aims to increase access to sports, exercise and physical activities for those with a disability or long-term health condition. In 2013 and 2015 the WDDSF conducted a survey in order to improve participation levels and access to opportunities that currently exist. 5 years on and the forum along with Active... More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Winchester District Disability Sports Survey - Facilities

    Disability Sports Survey: Facilities The Winchester District Disability Sports Forum (WDDSF) have recently teamed up with Active Nation to expand the ActiveAbility programme which aims to increase access to sports, exercise and physical activities for those with a disability or long-term health condition. In 2013 and 2015 the WDDSF conducted a survey in order to improve participation levels and access to opportunities that currently exist. 5 years on and the forum along with Active... More
    Closed 31 July 2018
  • Winnall Flats Consultation

    Winchester is a great place to live but it's expensive too. Winchester City Council wants to do something about it! The Council is seeking the views of residents of Winnall Flats on our early ideas for new homes in the Winnall Flats area. This consultation event provides an opportunity to: Offer their views on how the area in which they live could be improved; Discuss how best to deal with parking; and Comment on the early ideas for new homes. To view more... More
    Closed 31 July 2018
256 results. Page 6 of 9