SHELAA Methodology Consultation

Closed 21 Sep 2018

Opened 24 Jul 2018


The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment known as the SHELAA is a technical document which provides  a register of  sites submitted by landowners and agents, for potential housing, economic development, Gypsy and Travelling Showpeople, Self Build housing etc. in relation to their:-

Suitability -  is the site suitable for development are there any know constraints

Availability - is the site available for development and being promoted for development

and Achievability.- can the site be developed

The methodology applied to evaluating the sites is set out in the National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG) however there is flexibility for local criteria to be applied. This survey aims to gather thoughts on the methodology and what if any improvements can be made to ensure the evaluation is as robust and effective as possible.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Strategic Planning
  • Local Plans