256 results
Winchester City (off street) parking places order 2003 ( variation No.10) order 2021
Winchester City Council is introducing a new car park in Bar End Road, Winchester, Hampshire, in connection with the new leisure facility, known as the Winchester Sport and Leisure Park. A copy of the Notice, the proposed Order, Statement of Reasons and Plan can be found at the bottom of this page. The deadline for responses is 11 June 2021. MoreClosed 11 June 2021 -
Accommodation Survey - May 2021
On Monday 22 February, the Prime Minister announced a roadmap to provide a staged route back to a more normal way of life. A phased easing of restrictions is being introduced in four steps, each being assessed against four tests before the restrictions change. As we have now reached Step 3 and you continue to plan for the future, your council is here for you to help with any business concerns. In order to better understand demand from... MoreClosed 7 June 2021 -
Witherbed Lane Consultation
The New Homes Team at Winchester City Council have appointed PDP Architecture to look into designing an affordable housing scheme on the land adjacent to 6 Witherbed Lane. The local housing register shows that there is a need for two and three bedroom accomodation in this area. The proposed development will provide 4 new homes, with associated landscaping works and car parking all within th existing site boundary. The new homes will comprise of 2no 2 bed semi-detached 2no 3 bed... MoreClosed 31 May 2021 -
Woodman Close, Sparsholt - Information Event
The new homes team at Winchester City Council have appointed T2 architects to develop the proposed design for the potential affordable housing site in Woodman Close, Sparsholt. At the consultation event in November 2019 there was support for a 5 unit scheme consisting of 2, two bedroom bungalows and 3, one bedroom houses. The council has declared a climate emergency and is working to meet its target of the activities of the council being carbon neutral by 2024, with the... MoreClosed 10 May 2021 -
Southbrook Cottages Parking Consultation
As part of the proposal to build 6 new homes at Southbrook Cottgaes. WInchester City Council is consulting with residents about the feasability of providing additional communal parking in the area. MoreClosed 5 May 2021 -
Easter Football Coaching 2021
A feedback survey for attendees, parents and carers regarding the Easter Football Coaching sessions. MoreClosed 3 May 2021 -
Winchester Cultural Network Group
The Winchester Cultural Network group was set up following the publication of Winchester City Council's 2014 Art and Culture Strategy. Meetings have been held at various locations across the Winchester district since 2015. MoreClosed 30 April 2021 -
Martin St / Coppice Hill TRO
Winchester city Council are looking to introduce new waiting restrictions at two locations in Bishop’s Waltham. A copy of the notice, the proposed Order, statement of reasons and plans showing the restrictions propossed can be found at the bottom of this page. MoreClosed 21 April 2021 -
Winchester City Council Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document
Under its environmental duties set down with the Environment Act 1995, Winchester City Council declared an Air Quality Management Area back in 2003. Although there has been a steady improvement, air quality remains an issue of concern in the city. I n 2017 the Council adopted a new Air Quality Action plan, which set out a number of actions which collectively seek to reduce nitrogen dioxide levels within the city centre, in order to protect public health. One such... MoreClosed 12 April 2021 -
Integrated Impact Assessment
We are required by law to undertake a number of assessments at all stages throughout the Local Plan making process. We are doing these as an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) which will include a Sustainability Assessment (SA), a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), a Health Impacts Assessment (HIA) and an Equalities Assessment (EqA). These assessments are necessary to ensure that the plan doesn’t have adverse impacts on these areas of... MoreClosed 12 April 2021 -
Winchester City Council Local Plan - Strategic Issues & Priorities Consultation
Consultation on the Strategic Issues and Priorities document is an invitation for you to become involved in the next important stage of a conversation about our new Local Plan. The decisions made through the Local Plan will be of strategic importance for the district over the next 15 years and beyond. By working together we will create and protect our environment through the new Local Plan. The Local Plan is one of the important tools in helping the district to become zero... MoreClosed 12 April 2021 -
Winchester City Council Call For Sites 2021
Winchester City Council has launched its new Local Plan which will set the framework for future planning decisions in the District to 2038. As part of this process we are undertaking a new “Call for Sites” to help to identify land that could help to deliver a variety of accommodation and community needs. We are therefore asking landowners / site promotors to come forward if they have sites that they consider could form part of a new local plan. If your site has... MoreClosed 12 April 2021 -
Local Plan Virtual Event: Feedback
Thank you for attending our vitual engagement event. We hope you found it useful and enjoyed hearing about all the things we’ve been busy working on in relation to the local plan. We would be grateful if you could answer a few questions to give us some feedback about the event(s) – the survey should take about 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time. MoreClosed 12 April 2021 -
Accommodation Survey 2021
On Monday 22 February, the Prime Minister announced a roadmap to provide a staged route back to a more normal way of life. A phased easing of restrictions is being introduced in four steps, each being assessed against four tests before the restrictions change. As you start to plan for the future, your council is here for you to help with any business concerns. In order to better understand demand from our future visitors for... MoreClosed 7 April 2021 -
King George V Park Plan
Winchester City Council is producing a Park Plan for King George V Playing Fields in Highcliffe to coordinate a number of planned improvements to the site including a new sports pavilion, a new play area, a spray concrete skate park as well as consideration of the site as a whole. MoreClosed 11 March 2021 -
Visit Winchester advertising consultation 2021
Visit Winchester is the official destination management organisation for the Winchester district. Part of Winchester City Council and together with Winchester Visitor Information Centre, our mission is to promote the Winchester district to visitors and locals alike. We are consulting with tourism and hospitality businesses across the district to identify how we can better support our local businesses with advertising now and in the future in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.... MoreClosed 5 March 2021 -
Winchester City Council Budget/Medium Term Financial Strategy 2021/22
Each year all local authorities are required to publish a budget setting out how they will fund the services they provide or activities they support. Whilst Winchester City Council set out a “fully funded” budget in February 2020, the impact of COVID-19 has seen significant additional costs as well as dramatic losses of income. Whilst the council’s priorities set out in the April 2020 Council Plan remain unchanged , the direct result of the impacts of the pandemic means... MoreClosed 15 January 2021 -
Central Winchester Regeneration Development Proposals
Winchester City Council is consulting on development proposals for the Central Winchester Regeneration area. The development proposals have been prepared by Winchester City Council, working with our advisors JLL and Arup, to set out plans for taking forward the future development of the site. For more information about the Central Winchester Regeneration area, please visit: www. winchester.gov.uk MoreClosed 12 January 2021 -
Ground Floor Preference
Winchester City Council are considering introducing a new policy relating to the allocation of ground floor accommodation through the Hampshire Home Choice housing register. This would mean that when we allocate bungalows and ground floor maisonettes and flats we would give priority to applicants with a need to live in this type of accommodation. This ground floor need would be assessed by Winchester City Council as part of the application process to Hampshire Home... MoreClosed 10 January 2021 -
Free Street and Shore Lane TRO
Winchester City Council as agents for Hampshire County Council proposes making a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in Bishop's Waltham. The effect of this order will be to introduce no waiting restrictions along Free Street and Shore Lane, and bring the Traffic Regulation Order in line with restrictions on street in Eastways, Lower Lane, Malt Lane, Tangier Lane, Siskin Road and Park Road, Bishops Waltham. On Free Street parking is proposed to be prohibited: along the eastern side... MoreClosed 6 January 2021 -
Portraits of Winchester 2025 (Part 2) - Feedback Form
Thank you attending the second Portraits of Winchester 2025 workshop on 1 December. We hope you found the workshop enjoyable and thought provoking. We would like to gather participant feedback and ask that you complete this short survey in order for us to review the event and improve upon its organisation for next time. Many thanks. MoreClosed 21 December 2020 -
Bluebell Way TRO
Winchester City Council as agents for Hampshire County Council proposes to make a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Whiteley. The proposed Order is required to prevent obstruction, to maintain the free-flow of traffic and to improve visibility and road safety. The effect of this Order will be to: Introduce lengths of no waiting at any time (double yellow lines) on Bluebell Way, Whiteley and on Silver Birch Way at its junction with Bluebell Way; Amend The Hampshire (Various... MoreClosed 13 December 2020 -
October Half Term Football Project 2020
After holding our football coaching sessions and final tournaments during the October Half Term, we would like to give you the opportunity to provide us with some feedback. MoreClosed 8 December 2020 -
The Valley - Estate Improvements Proposal
As part of our Estate Improvement Programme, Winchester City Council is consulting with residents on a proposal to carry out improvements to the outdoor communal areas at The Valley. MoreClosed 6 December 2020 -
Sport and Physical Activity Engagement Evening
The Sport & Physical Activity team at Winchester City Council are working closely with key partners to support the sport and physical activity sector across the Winchester District. We are in the process of planning our annual Sport and Physical Activity Engagement evening which will be hosted in early 2021. H owever, we would like to hear from you on the support you need during these unprecedented times. As the government guidelines for sport and physical activity are changing so... MoreClosed 30 November 2020 -
Woodman Close and Stockwell Place - Update to Estate Improvements Proposal
Further to the consultation I would like to take this opportunity to thank those that returned their responses. The feedback received was helpful in considering how this proposal should move forward. Having reviewed the comments/suggestions provided, there was support for creating communal parking on the green, with the consensus of opinion being for layby parking. We did not receive enough feedback regarding the improvements to Stockwell Place to make an informed decision on this.... MoreClosed 20 November 2020 -
Carbon Efficient Housing
The Council has set ambitious targets for achieving carbon neutrality. The Carbon Neutrality Action Plan sets out the actions that will be taken to reduce, eliminate or offset carbon emissions. As the second largest contributor to carbon emissions in the district ; reducing domestic energy consumption is a target along with residents liv ing in more energy efficient homes. Therefore the Council has committed to spending £1m per annum for 10 years... MoreClosed 20 November 2020 -
Portraits of Winchester 2025 - Feedback Form
Thank you attending the Portraits of Winchester 2025 session on 10 th November. We hope you found the workshop enjoyable and thought provoking. We would like to gather participant feedback and ask that you complete this short survey in order for us to review the event and improve upon its organisation for next time. Many thanks. MoreClosed 18 November 2020 -
Claylands Road, Bishops Waltham - Garden Improvements Proposal
As part of our Estate Improvement Programme, Winchester City Council is proposing a scheme to improve the communal garden area and storage of refuse bins. The proposal is to carry out works to the communal garden area to the side/rear of no.s 18-25, and to create storage areas for the refuse bins at the front of no.s 22-25. The improvements would include: creating a patio area providing a couple of picnic benches installing... MoreClosed 12 November 2020 -
Sustainability Conference 2020: Feedback
Winchester Sustainability Conference: Routes to Carbon Neutrality Sustainality conference 2020: Feedback We hoped you enjoyed hearing about all the things we’ve been busy doing since the council declared a climate emergency. Now is your chance to give your feedback and thoughts on the conference(s) you attended. MoreClosed 31 October 2020
256 results.
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