We Asked, You Said, We Did

Below are some of the issues we have recently consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

The council’s Natural Environment and Recreation Team asked for your help in deciding what equipment to install in the Talavera Road play area.

You said

We received 30 responses. Here is a summary of the top findings…

Of the 19 respondents who do not use an existing play area, 44% said that it was because it has the wrong type of equipment.

73% said that the playground should cater for 4–11-year-olds.

The top five ranked favourite activities are:

  1. Swinging
  2. Sliding
  3. Climbing and balancing
  4. Jumping and bouncing
  5. Spinning

The top five equipment preferences were:

  1. Slide
  2. Trampoline
  3. Football goal
  4. Climbing frame
  5. Swings

87% did not want the playground to be themed.

Dog fouling was a recuring issue raised in comments.

We did

We have collated the consultation results and these will be used to inform the design of an upgraded play area.

We asked

The Estate Improvements Team put forward a scheme to provide the residents of King Alfred Place with better opportunities to enjoy the communal outdoor spaces, improved drying facilities and secure cycle storage.

The proposal included creating more useable space by moving back a retaining wall, providing seating, planters, water butts, washing lines and secure cycle storage, as well as, replacing damaged fencing and extending the block paving.

We specifically asked residents if they wished to

  • Grow their own plants, fruit and vegetables
  • Dry their washing outside
  • Keep a bicycle

You said

We received seven responses as follows:

  • 85.7% of respondents are interested in growing their own plants, fruits, and vegetables
  • Some respondents wanted to dry their laundry outside and were keen for the washing line to be located in a central position to take advantage of the sun
  • 57.1% said that they would make use of secure bicycle storage despite only 28.6% currently owning a bike
  • There were several requests for secure garden storage and for repairs to be made to the fencing

We did

We have amended the plan in response to residents’ feedback and requirements and are now working towards delivering the improvements.

We asked

The Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award recognises and celebrates the organisations and individuals who have given outstanding service to the people of Winchester District.  The Mayor invited nominations that reflect the full range of community support from all corners of the Winchester District.

You said

Between 3 January and 18 February 2024, we received 125 nominations for the Mayor of Winchester’s Community Award.

We did

All nominations were considered carefully, and more than 100 award-winners were invited to receive their certificates and pin badges from the Mayor at a special event in the Guildhall on 7 March. Photos were taken with the Mayor and award-winners, which were available to take away at the end of the evening as a souvenir.

Community contributions recognised at annual Mayor’s Awards - Winchester City Council

We asked

The new homes team asked for your views on the proposed scheme which will provide five new homes at Winecross Cottages, North Boarhunt.

You said

Five responses were received.

The comments about what respondents liked about the proposal included:

  • The design looks thoughtful and pleasant to live in.
  • Considered Ecological design, in keeping with local site
  • Affordable housing - addressing an urgent need
  • Keeping all trees and hedges 
  • Energy efficient

The comments about what could be improved included:

  • Building more flats
  • Solar panels on the roof and triple glazing

A general comment was made about the properties being made available for local people on a low income who are waiting for housing.

We did

We have collated the responses received and are working to further develop the plans aiming to design the scheme to a high energy efficient standard. Which may include features of high level thermal efficiency. This will be an affordable housing scheme for local people.

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to the proposed extension of the operational time of the existing pedestrian and cycle zone at the locations details below (currently operating at weekends from 10am Saturday to midnight Sunday) to include Monday to Friday 6pm to 10pm.

  1. Great Minster Street from the boundary of no. 6 and no. 7 Great Minster Street to its junction with The Square.
  2. The Square from its junction with Great Minster Street to a point 79 metres north-west of its junction with Market Street (including the hammerhead but not The Square Service Spur)

In order to facilitate this, the following provisions were also proposed to be extended to include Monday to Friday 6pm to 10pm: -

  • Prohibition of Driving restriction at the northern end of Great Minster Street (from 6 Great Minster Street) and the western end of The Square (currently 10am on Saturday to midnight Sunday only).
  • no waiting and no loading restrictions as follows:
    • At The Square, north from a point 60 metres north-west of its junction with Market Street to a point 70 metres north-west of the junction (currently Saturday 10am and midnight, Sunday at any time only).
    • At The Square, south from a point 37 metres east of its junction with Great Minster Street to a point 59 metres west of its junction with Market Street (currently Saturday and Sunday at any time only)
    • Goods vehicle loading only at The Square, north from a point 60 metres north-west of its junction with Market Street to a point 70 metres north-west of the junction (currently Saturday 6am to 10am only)
    • Loading only at The Square, south from a point 16 metres west of its junction with Market Street to a point 32 metres west of that junction (currently Saturday to Sunday 8am to 6pm only and pay and display parking available Monday to Friday 8am-6pm, max stay 1 hour no return within 2 hours)

A further minor amendment was also proposed to The Hampshire (Various Roads, Winchester) (Parking Places and Restriction of Waiting) (Controlled Zone) (Consolidation) Order 2010 as amended to rename “Schedule 3A” as inserted by Variation Number 52 to “Schedule 3AA”.

You said

We received 1 response to the consultation.

We did

The representation has been carefully considered and responded to directly. The traffic regulation orders were made on the 29th March 2023 and come into operation on 30th May 2023. A copy of the made orders and Notice of Making can be found at the bottom of this page.

A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below –

Decision - Traffic Regulation Order -The Square, Winchester Proposed evening extension to Weekend pedestrian and cycle zone 2023 - Winchester City Council

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to proposed amendments to parking restrictions in Bishops Waltham (set out below).

The effect of this order will be to introduce waiting restrictions in several locations in Bishops Waltham

  1. in the roads surrounding the Infant and Junior Schools
  2. changes to some of the parking restrictions on the High Street
  3. introduce no waiting at any time restrictions at the junction of The Avenue and Winchester Road B2177.
  1. Infant and Junior Schools will prohibit parking:
  • at junctions on Oak Road, Oak Road Spur, Pine Road, Elm Road, Willow Road
  • on the bend in Oak Road and on the southern section of Pine Road
  • in Oak Road and Pine Road Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
  • formalise the no stopping restriction by the Infant School vehicle access Monday - Friday 8am – 5pm
  1. High Street proposals will introduce:
  • parking bays (a disabled bay, a 20 minute limited waiting bay, a goods vehicle loading bay) on the western side at the top (one way southwards section)
  • a disabled bay in the existing 30 minute limited waiting bays, on the eastern side of the road, at the bottom (St Georges St end)
  • a no loading at any time restriction from Bank Street to a point approximately 13 metres south of Cross Street, and into Cross Street to keep the junctions clear of obstruction.
  1. The Avenue proposals will prohibit parking at the junction with Winchester Road.


You said

We received 51 comments were received – 31 in support, 19 objections and 1 objection and support.

We did

All representations have been carefully considered. The proposed restrictions were amended in light of comments received, as explained in the Decision Record. The Order was Made on the 8th February 2023 and comes in to operation on 27th February 2023. The Order can be viewed on our website -


We asked

  1. Do you have any comments on the Landscape Character Areas?
  2. Have we missed anything? If so, please state section and page number.

You said

  • Suggested amendments in relation to impacts upon the SDNP
  • Specific amendments within Soberton & Newton Parish relating to hedges, ponds, wildlife, health & well-being
  • Plant trees – areas to be identified/allocated
  • Ensure recreation grounds within Colden Common are named correctly
  • Extend the SDNP boundary further west
  • Requests relating to specific fields, re-wilding projects, specific areas for development, water suppliers, road concerns
  • Refer to Special Protection Areas as a small section of the designated River Hamble lies within the area

We did

  • Key issues to be updated in character areas adjacent to SDNP
  • These points will be incorporated
  • This document is not an action plan, it is an assessment of the character of the landscape
  • This will be amended
  • Not appropriate for this document
  • Not appropriate for this document however should be explored further through relevant village design statements and neighbourhood plans
  • To be included

We asked

Winchester City Council made an experimental traffic order to prohibit vehicles in The Broadway, between the bus station and Colebrook St,  and on Colebrook St between The Broadway and Market Lane, on Sundays between 6am – 7pm.  This was to enable the Market to be held there.

Experimental orders can be implemented for up to 18 months, and objections can be made in the first 6 months.  Subject to comments received schemes can be reviewed and amended, and made permanent if successful.

You said

We received 3 comments – 2 supports and 1 objection.

We did

All representations were carefully considered. On balance it was decided that overall the scheme was beneficial to the City and its residents. The Order to permanently implement the prohibition of driving restrictions will be made on 24/08/22.

After the 24/08/22, it can be viewed on our website -  


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below -


We asked

Following initial consultation with residents, businesses and councillors, Winchester City Council made two Experimental Traffic Orders in Great Minster Street and The Square, Winchester on 28/07/21, and effective on 06/08/21.   One related to moving traffic restrictions and the other to parking restrictions. Experimental orders can be implemented for up to 18 months, and objections can be made in the first 6 months.  Subject to comments received schemes can be reviewed and amended, and made permanent if successful.

The effects of the experimental moving traffic order were to :

  1. Suspend the existing Prohibition Of Driving (except for access) restriction on Great Minster Street, The Square and Market Street and replace it with Prohibition Of Driving (except for access to off-street premises) in Great Minster Street from its junction with Little Minster Street to the boundary of 6 and 7 Great Minster Street, where bollards have been installed.  This prohibits motor vehicle access to The Square via Great Minster Street.
  2. Suspend the One-Way Traffic restriction on Great Minster Street to enable access and egress via Symonds Street/Little Minster Street to premises on the affected section of Great Minster Street.
  3. Introduce a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone at weekends from Saturday 10am to Sunday midnight at the following locations.  An exemption is included for emergency services access and to allow for a hearse used in the course of a funeral when required with prior approval:
    1. Great Minster Street from the boundary of no. 6 and no. 7 Great Minster Street to its junction with The Square.
    2. The Square from its junction with Great Minster Street to a point 79 metres north-west of its junction with Market Street (including the hammerhead but not The Square Service Spur)

The effects of the experimental parking restrictions order were to:

  1. Suspend a section of the No Loading At Any Time restriction on Symonds Street to provide an informal place for loading/unloading to properties affected by the movement restrictions on Great Minster Street.
  2. Introduce a No Waiting At Any Time and No Loading At Any Time restriction on the east side of Great Minster Street to facilitate turning movements.
  3. Suspend the loading bay in The Square hammerhead and introduce a No Waiting At Any Time and No Loading At Any Time restriction, to improve safety.  An exemption is included for emergency services access and to allow for a hearse used in the course of a funeral when required with prior approval.
  4. Suspend the eastern section of the Goods Vehicle Only bay on the north side of The Square and replace with a No Waiting and No Loading Saturday 10am to Sunday Midnight, Goods Vehicle Loading Only Monday to Friday and Saturday 6am to 10am restriction. This is to facilitate turning movements during the operation of the Pedestrian and Cycle Zone.
  5. Suspend the Pay and Display parking on the south side of The Square from the eastern extent westwards for a distance of approximately 15 metres and introduce Pay and Display Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Max stay 1 hour, No return within 2 hours, Loading Only Saturday and Sunday 8am to 6pm.
  6. Suspend the Pay and Display parking on south side of The Square from the western extent eastwards for a distance of approximately 13 metres and introduce No Waiting and No Loading Saturday and Sunday, Pay and Display Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm Max Stay 1 hour no return 2 hours to facilitate turning movements.

You said

We received 3 comments – 2 supports and 1 objection.

We did

All representations have been carefully considered. It was considered that the overall impacts of the scheme are positive, and the Order to permanently implement the moving and parking restrictions will be made on 24/08/22.

After the 24/08/22, it can be viewed on our website -  


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below -


We asked

Winchester City Council has to set its budget and agree the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) in February 2022, and we invited you to have your say. 

Despite the challenging circumstances the council has been able to consolidate our financial position for 2022/23 and set a balanced budget. The proposals being considered for the MTFS focus on keeping any increases to Council Tax and fees and charges below the current level of inflation, proposing to not increase the charge for garden waste collection and instead offer a £10 discount to those in receipt of financial support.

You said

The consultation ran from the 1 December until 23 December 2021. We received 32 responses.

72% of respondents agreed with the overall approach to the budget. The results are outlined below:

Budget proposal

% Agree

Changes to parking charges


3% average increase to other fees and charges


No change to community grants


Council tax increase


Garden waste price freeze


Garden waste discount


Provision for continued reduced parking income


Additional project delivery resource


We did

The budget will be considered at the Full Council Meeting on 23 February 2022.

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to the proposed revocation of the provisions relating to Upper Brook Street Car Park (the surface pay and display car park to the east of Upper Brook Street and west of Middle Brook Street) and its removal from the Principal traffic regulation order (Winchester City (Off Street) Parking Places Order 2003 (as amended)). This is because the car park is due to close to allow for the construction of the new GP Surgery for St Clements Doctors Practice on site, as approved by planning application 15/02897/FUL.

You said

We received 1 response to the consultation.

We did

The representation has been carefully considered and responded to directly. The traffic regulation order was made on the 18th January 2023 and comes into operation on 6th March 2023. A copy of the made Order and Notice of Making can be found at the bottom of this page.

A copy of the Decision Record can be found using the link below –


We asked

We asked for comments in relation to the new car park being introduced off Barfield Close, Winchester, to be known as Barfield Park & Ride Phase 2.

You said

We received 1 response to the consultation.

We did

The representation has been carefully considered and responded to directly.  The Traffic Regulation Order was made on the 3rd February 2022 and comes into operation on 1st March 2022. A copy of the Made Order and the Notice of Making can be found at the bottom of this page.

A copy of the decision report can be found here.

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to coach parking being introduced at South Winchester Park & Ride.

You said

We received 3 responses to the consultation.

We did

The representations have been carefully considered and responded to directly.  The Traffic Regulation Order was Made on the 9th September 2021 and comes into operation on 20th September 2021.  A copy of the Made Order and the Notice of Making can be viewed on our website using the following link.


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below


We asked

We asked for comments in relation to a new draft Village Design Statement (VDS) for Colden Common, between 10th May and 20th June 2021

You said

We did

The comments have been carefully considered and the draft VDS has been amended to take account of the issues arising from the public consultation.

The revised VDS will now be considered for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document by Winchester City Council at the Cabinet Member Built Environment Decision Day meeting on 7th February 2022.

The proposed revised VDS, together with the Report recommending adoption and analysis of the representations received, can be viewed via the link below:

Agenda for Cabinet Member for Built Environment Decision Day on Monday, 7th February, 2022, 9.30 am - Winchester City Council

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to the new car park being introduced in Bar End Road, Winchester, Hampshire, in connection with the new leisure facility, known as the Winchester Sport and Leisure Park.

You said

We received 2 responses to the consultation.

We did

The representations have been carefully considered and responded to directly. The Traffic Regulation Order was Made on the 17th June 2021 and comes into operation on 23rd June 2021. A copy of the Made Order and the Notice of Making can be found at the bottom of this page. Both documents can also be viewed on our website using the following link:  


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below –



We asked

We asked for comments in relation to a proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to introduce lengths of no waiting at any time (double yellow lines) on Martin Street and Victoria Road, Bishop's Waltham and on Coppice Hill, Bishop's Waltham.

You said

9 representations were recieved to the Martin Street proposals and 12 responses were recieved to the Coppice Hill proposals.

We did

The representations have been carefully considered and responded to directly. The Traffic Regulation Order was Made on the 19th August 2021 and comes in to operation on the 20th September 2021. A copy of the Made Order and the Notice of Making can be found via the links below. 


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below




We asked

During the consultation period, which ran from 11 November 2020 to 12 January 2021, Winchester City Council consulted with local residents, businesses and stakeholder groups on the development proposals for the Central Winchester Regeneration area.

You said

Over 2,500 people visited the virtual exhibition and over 100 attended an online consultation session. There were also over 3,000 engagements on social media.

Over 300 people also completed a detailed feedback questionnaire. All feedback has been considered and all comments made, grouped by theme, as well as a response from the council addressing each of these, are available on the council website.

Of those who answered the question ‘Overall, do you support the development proposals for the Central Winchester Regeneration area?’ - 68% confirmed that they did. Feedback also demonstrated a very high level of support for key elements of the development proposals, in particular affordable housing, flexible workspaces, opening up the waterways and improved public realm. There were more mixed views on plans for managing movement around the site, particularly around parking and buses. Some concerns were also expressed about the proposed delivery route using a single development partner. 

We did

This is a complex development which will take place incrementally. The proposed next stage for the project includes short term measures encouraging longer visits to the City Centre, with improvements to the ground floor of Kings Walk and the surrounding public realm, and creating an attractive temporary open space on the site of the old Friarsgate Medical Centre. The best way to deliver the medium-to-long term vision for the creative hub at Kings Walk is being considered.  Settling on the best option to deliver the interim on-street bus solution to unlock the development site is important too. More work is also being done to inform the best way to deliver the development proposals for the long term across the wider site, and a preferred way forward will be presented at a Cabinet meeting in the summer for approval to progress.

Cllr Kelsie Learney, Cabinet Member for Housing and Asset Management said:

“This is such an important site, for the future of the city, for our economic prosperity and for future generations who may want to make Winchester their home. It is an exciting opportunity and we must get it right.

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to proposed amendments to parking restrictions in Bishops Waltham. The effect of the proposed order will be to introduce no waiting restrictions along Free Street and Shore Lane, and bring the Traffic Regulation Order in line with restrictions on street, in Eastways, Lower Lane, Malt Lane, Tangier Lane, Siskin Close and Park Road, Bishops Waltham.


On Free Street parking is proposed to be prohibited:

  • along the eastern side from Hoe Road to opposite to ‘The Stables’
  • on the western side on both sides of the build out (built for the Infant and Junior school pedestrian entrance), at the blind bend, and from the bus stop to ‘The Stables’
  • on Colville Drive, on both sides of the road, at its junction with Free Street.


On Shore Lane parking is proposed to be prohibited:

  • on the western side from its junction with Coppice Hill (B2177) to a point opposite No.6 Shore Lane, and at its junctions with Little Shore Lane and Shore Crescent.
  • on Follyfield, Cricklemede, Penfords Paddock, Little Shore Lane and Shore Crescent, on both sides of the road, at their junctions with Shore Lane
  • on the eastern side, from its junction with Coppice Hill (B2177) to a point opposite No.1 Shore Lane.


You said

We received 43 comments – 19 in support, 14 objections, and 10 support with modifications.

We did

All representations have been carefully considered. The Traffic Regulation Order is required to improve safety, accessibility and visibility at junctions. The Order was Made on the 6th April 2021 and comes in to operation on 20th April 2021. The Order can be viewed on our website -  


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below -


We asked

We asked for comments in relation to the proposed new parking restrictions along Bluebell Way, Whiteley. Double Yellow Lines were proposed along the majority of Bluebell Way with some strategic gaps lefts for parking provision. The restrictions are required to prevent obstruction, to maintain the free-flow of traffic and to improve visibility and road safety.

You said

We received 17 responses to the consultation – 5 supporting, 4 objecting and 8 supporting subject to modifications.

We did

All representations have been carefully considered and the Traffic Regulation Order is a balance between maintaining parking provision with improving access and safety. The Order was Made on the 4th February 2021 and comes in to operation on 17th February 2021. The Order can be viewed on our website -  


A copy of the decision report can be found using the link below https://democracy.winchester.gov.uk/ieDecisionDetails.aspx?ID=772

We asked

We asked for comments in relation to the below proposed amendments to parking restrictions in Wickham:

  • To formalise the existing School Keep Clear markings at the entrance of Wickham Primary School, Buddens Road, Wickham.
  • Remove 2 of the 3 disabled bays on the bend by the school in Buddens Road, Wickham, as they are no longer required, and replace them with no waiting at any time.
  • Remove the disabled bays on Station Road, near its junction with Mill Lane, as they are no longer required, and replace them with no waiting at any time.
  • Bring the Traffic Regulation Order in line with restrictions on street in Buddens Road (junctions with Fareham Road and Station Road) and Tanfield Lane, Wickham.

You said

We received 5 responses to the public consultation – 3 supporting, 1 objecting and 1 general comment. The objection was in relation to the proposed removal of 2 of the existing disabled bays, and their replacement with double yellow lines, on Buddens Road. The objector stated that they would like to see the space left as unrestricted parking bays.

We did

All representations have been carefully considered and the Traffic Regulation Order was amended to leave the spaces on Buddens Road, where the disabled bays were removed, without parking restrictions.

The Order was Made on the 15th March 2021 and comes in to operation on 27th April 2021. The Order can be viewed on our website -  
