Community Strategy Review 2016
Results updated 3 Jun 2016
- Report of the Community Strategy Review consultation, 108.9 KB (PDF document)
- Full list of Comments, 92.1 KB (PDF document)
The Winchester District Community Strategy sets out how Winchester City Council wishes to see the District change for the better over the next few years. This has been developed over a number of years to reflect changing issues that the District faces and to reflects the aspirations of our many communities that make up the District and the role of our partners in delivering our vision and outcomes. This strategy will drive how the Council uses its resources, plans its services and works with partners.
The vision in the Strategy, states :
Our vision for the Winchester District is of diverse and dynamic communities, where people work together to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life now and in the future.
The Council is reviewing its Community Strategy to ensure it takes into account any new emerging priorities for the district and its residents. The first stage of this is to review what is in the current strategy to see whether it is still relevant and still contains areas that are a priority for Winchester District.
- Active Communities,
- A Prosperous Economy,
- A High Quality Environment and
- An Effective and Efficient Council.
Why your views matter
The emphasis of this update is on what the Council can deliver to achieve this vision over the next few years, particularly under the scenario of a reducing budget and corresponding public service reform. Our focus will be on providing the right level of service we can offer to our communities within the resources available.
What happens next
The next step is to consider responses from this consultaion to help determine how the Community Strategy should be revised to coontinue to meet our vision of diverse & dynamic communities in Winchester.
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