Winchester City Council - Draft Portfolio Plans 2016/17
The Council has published its draft Portfolio Plans for 2016/17 which set out Cabinet’s priorities and together form the Council’s business plan for the coming year. They highlight the key projects that will help deliver the Council’s vision for the Winchester District as set out in the Community Strategy.
The focus for 2016/17 will be:
- Ensuring focus is maintained on the Council’s Capital Programme
- Consolidating on-going work from previous year’s Portfolio Plans
- Investigating and delivering actions to help meet the challenge of future budget gaps
- Continuing our programme of organisational transformation to drive new ways of working and secure greater efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness.
The consultation period runs from 10 December to 12 noon, 18 December 2015. All comments will be published on the Council's website.
Why your views matter
The Council's wishes to seek the views of the public on the Council's priority actions for 2016/17 that will contribute to the delivery of the outcomes in the Winchester Community Strategy.
What happens next
Responses to the consultation on the prioirites and actions included in the Council's draft Portfolio Plans are considered when finalising the Plans before being apprved by Full Council.
Full Council approved the Portfolio Plans 2016/17 at its meeting on 6 January 2016.
The report also included a summary of all the comments that had been received (report CL119 refers).
The approved Portfolio Plans now set out the Council's priorities for 2016/17 and can be viewed as separate documents on the Council's website.
Progress against the actions and projects included in the Plans is presented to The Overview and Scrutiny Committee in June/July and October/Noverber 2016
- All Areas
- All Residents
- Strategic Planning
- Development Control
- Local Plans
- Transport
- Tourism
- Retail
- Service
- Manufacturing
- Social Housing
- Private Housing
- Community Facility
- Play Ground
- School
- Council Services
- Flooding
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