Creative enterprise

Closed 21 Mar 2016

Opened 11 Mar 2016

Feedback updated 20 May 2016

We asked

An online survey via citizen space was created with a deadline March 21, and ‘calling’ cards were printed and handed out to those attending the exhibition with details of the website and how to respond, together with the dedicated email address for follow up/specific queries

Provision was made during the exhibition for those visiting to complete the online survey, or to complete a paper version. In addition, a record of those artists interested in occupying workspace in the Old Goods Shed was compiled.

You said

Please find attached the web link for the Creative Enterprise internet site, at the bottom of the site you can download the consultation report. The report summarises the consultation undertaken to inform the submission of a planning application for the various components of the Creative Enterprise Centre. 

This includes the summary of comments from the Citizen Space survey and the responses to the comments from Winchester City Council.

We did

Please find attached the web link for the Creative Enterprise internet site, at the bottom of the site you can download the consultation report. The report summarises the consultation undertaken to inform the submission of a planning application for the various components of the Creative Enterprise Centre. 

This includes the summary of comments from the Citizen Space survey and the responses to the comments from Winchester City Council.


To gather the views and opinions of the public about the planning proposals.


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