Statement of Community Involvement Refresh
Feedback updated 19 May 2017
We asked
Your preferred methods of engagement and communication in relation to planning policy issues and for planning applications.
You said
A total of 159 responses were received (157 on line and 2 by paper).
When asked how you would like to be informed of new planning policies, new planning applications and how to be made aware of decisions on applications, the majority of people expressed a preference for being notified by email.
In responses to the questions on how best to participate in planning policy issues and how developers should consult with communities regarding their proposals, a variety of responses were received.
Further analysis of this survey is being undertaken which will provide more detail on the range of answers to each question. The written comments provided in response to a number of the questions are also being collated and considered/assessed
We did
The results of this survey are helping to inform the current update of the SCI. Public consultation will be undertaken on the refreshed SCI when the draft is published later this year. Further information from the survey will be included as part of this process.
The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how the Council will engage with the community over a range of planning matters. The original SCI was published in 2007 and it is time to review and update the document, particularly with a view to making better use of electronic communications. The SCI will cover both planning policy and planning application procedures. It would be most helpful as part of this review to find out what means of communication you would find most useful in relation to planning matters.
Please can you complete the short survey that follows and help to develop a SCI that most effectively meets the needs of the community and the City Council. We are looking for the views of both individuals and organisations.
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Strategic Planning
- Development Control
- Local Plans
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