Consultation on Modifications to LPP2

Closed 12 Dec 2016

Opened 28 Oct 2016

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Following the Examination Hearings to consider the soundness of the submitted Winchester District Local Plan Part 2 – Development Management and Site Allocations (LPP2) in July 2016, the Council has been invited by the Inspector to prepare a list of Modifications for consultation.  These are required to address a number of points raised by the Inspector and matters that were discussed during the Examination Hearings.

This reflects the ‘Note of Initial Findings’ published by the Inspector, Nigel Payne, on 28 July 2016 which indicated that Modifications should enable LPP2 to be found sound in due course.

The Council has now compiled a series of Main Modifications and Additional Modifications to LPP2, which are published for consultation for 6 weeks from Friday 28th September until noon 12th December 2016.

Please note that comments are only sought on the Modifications and cannot be made on other elements of the Plan. At this stage, you are invited to make comments in relation to legal compliance, the duty to cooperate and the soundness of the proposed Modifications.

All responses to the Main Modifications will be forwarded by the Council to the Inspector who will consider these in his report to the Council. Responses to the Additional Modifications will be considered by the Council.


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What happens next

All responses to the Main Modifications will be forwarded by the Council to the Programme Officer to then forward to the Inspector who will consider these in his report to the Council. Responses to the Additional Modifications, will be considered by the Council in due course.


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