Winchester City Council Call for Sites 2018
Feedback updated 15 May 2018
We asked
To inform the preparation of the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) we asked local landowners and agents within Winchester District to submit land that is suitable and available for development.
You said
Over 200 sites were submitted to the call for sites.
We did
We are currently assessing the sites that were submitted and aim to publish the updated SHELAA later this year.
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)
Why are we undertaking a Call for Sites?
This Call for Sites will inform the preparation of the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). This is a requirement of the National Planning Policy Framework.
The SHELAA will be a technical document that will form part of the evidence base and provide information on sites with potential for housing, economic development, gypsy and travelling showpeople, self build housing, etc in relation to their suitability, availability and achievability.
The reasons for undertaking this exercise are:
- The information submitted as part of the Call for Sites will help to identify Brownfield Sites to be placed on the ‘Brownfield Register’ which the Council must legally prepare
- The SHELAA will help to inform future planning documents i.e. Local Plan, Gypsy and Traveller DPD and Neighbourhood Plans
- The SHELAA will contribute to calculating the available and deliverable housing and employment land supply position.
As part of the process, the Council is asking landowners and agents who wish to promote land for housing and/or economic development, retail, leisure, self build and gypsy and travelling showpeople sites to submit information to us on sites they would like to be assessed. There is no need to submit information on sites which already have planning consent or are allocated by the Local Plan.
The Council will accept sites that are 0.25ha or more in size (or likely to provide at least 5 dwellings or 500m² of economic floor space).
If you would like to have your site included in the Council’s Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), then please complete the sites consultation below.
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Strategic Planning
- Local Plans
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