Environmental Service: Joint Waste 2nd Phase Consultation
East Hampshire District Council and Winchester City Council are making decisions about the future of its environmental services. These include waste and recycling, street cleansing, grounds maintenance and public toilets in the two areas.
The current Joint Environmental Service Contract, provided by Biffa and Idverde, will expire in October 2019 and we are interested in your views on the different options that are open to us. Councils can choose to deliver these kind of services in a variety of ways, each of which have their own opportunities and challenges.
Phase one of the consultation took place in September 2016 and measured customer satisfaction, people’s habits and behaviour and what possible changes in the service they would like to see. The responses to phase one have informed the options on the following pages.
This is phase two of the consultation. It gives residents of East Hampshire and Winchester the chance to comment on which aspects of the service are important.
These will be taken into account before a final decision is made.
- All Areas
- All Residents
- Environmental
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