Witherbed Lane Consultation
The New Homes Team at Winchester City Council have appointed PDP Architecture to look into designing an affordable housing scheme on the land adjacent to 6 Witherbed Lane.
The local housing register shows that there is a need for two and three bedroom accomodation in this area. The proposed development will provide 4 new homes, with associated landscaping works and car parking all within th existing site boundary. The new homes will comprise of 2no 2 bed semi-detached 2no 3 bed semi-detached houses.
All the homes will have access to private amenity space, all the parking required for the new homes will be provided within the site.
The Council declared a Climate Emergency in June 2019, therefore the decision has been made to make the homes as energy efficient as possible. It has been agreed that the project will built as Passivhaus, to ensure the homes are as eco-friendly as possible.Passivhaus is an Energy Standard, focussing on achieving excellent levels of internal comfort with an energy input that is as close to minimum as possible. Due to an increasing need to combat climate change Passivhaus is becoming more widely use as a standard to build houses to. To meet the target of netr zero carbon by 2030 these homes will be designed and constructed to meet the Passivhaus standards. They will be highly efficient and close to carbon neutral benefitting both the environment and the occupant.
Why your views matter
We want to give you the opportunity to comment on our plans so that we can further refine and develop the proposal in advance of submitting an application for planning consent.
Please email your comments to newhomes@winchester.gov.uk or call 01962 848 220.
What happens next
Once your feedback is received, a member of the New Homes team will acknowledge your feedback and answer any queries raised.
It is envisaged that the scheme will then go to Planning in August 2021, with a decision made later in the Autumn. If Planning Permission is granted, it is anticipated that work will commence in the Winter of 2021, and will take approximately a year to complete. Further details regarding timescales will be provided to residents as the scheme develops.
- Whiteley
- All Residents
- Social Housing
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