Winnall Flats Consultation
Results updated 22 Nov 2018
The consultation attracted good numbers. Approximately 60-70 people attended the event, from all four blocks.
There was a mix of views on the ideas we have. The overall feeling was positive, and this was shown in the responses, of which ten were generally supportive, eight were against and eight not committing either way.
Retaining and improving green space was clearly important to people and, generally, they felt that we were seeking to achieve this through our proposals. There was a strong call to keep trees and ideas such as small, local play areas and quiet sitting areas were popular. There were lots of requests for dog walking and exercising areas to be kept separate from the other communal spaces. We were told by many of you that the area around the flats has become a popular dog walking area for people from across Winnall and this was something that residents at the flats would like to see addressed.
Many of the responses about the space around the flats asked for it to be designed in a way that encourages people to socialise.
Another area of importance was parking. Some comments stressed how high priority should be given to the design and layout of parking to avoid disagreements. There was also good support for small parking courts, even if this means using some of the other open space around the flats.
Residents were concerned about the construction period, the noise levels it would create and the inconvenience it would be to those already living there. The loss of current parking spaces whilst the work was completed was also a concern, and it is clear that we will need to think carefully about temporary parking arrangements during the construction period.
Finally, a number of people stressed the need to focus on issues with the existing flats. There was a concern that these would be forgotten as the new homes would be the focus of all the attention.
This feedback will help us to develop more detailed proposals that we will take to residents at another event early in 2019.
- Report on Winnall Flats consultation event - 17 July 2018, 948.2 KB (PDF document)
Winchester is a great place to live but it's expensive too. Winchester City Council wants to do something about it!
The Council is seeking the views of residents of Winnall Flats on our early ideas for new homes in the Winnall Flats area. This consultation event provides an opportunity to:
- Offer their views on how the area in which they live could be improved;
- Discuss how best to deal with parking; and
- Comment on the early ideas for new homes.
To view more information about the event please view the related documents below
- St Barnabas
- Local Residents
- New Affordable Housing
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