Winecross Cottages, North Boarhunt

Closed 8 Jan 2024

Opened 1 Dec 2023

Feedback updated 13 May 2024

We asked

The new homes team asked for your views on the proposed scheme which will provide five new homes at Winecross Cottages, North Boarhunt.

You said

Five responses were received.

The comments about what respondents liked about the proposal included:

  • The design looks thoughtful and pleasant to live in.
  • Considered Ecological design, in keeping with local site
  • Affordable housing - addressing an urgent need
  • Keeping all trees and hedges 
  • Energy efficient

The comments about what could be improved included:

  • Building more flats
  • Solar panels on the roof and triple glazing

A general comment was made about the properties being made available for local people on a low income who are waiting for housing.

We did

We have collated the responses received and are working to further develop the plans aiming to design the scheme to a high energy efficient standard. Which may include features of high level thermal efficiency. This will be an affordable housing scheme for local people.


The New Homes Team at Winchester City Council has appointed PDP Architecture to look into designing an affordable housing scheme. The proposed scheme will provide five new homes at Winecross Cottages, North Boarhunt. 

Why your views matter

Winchester City Council would like to obtain your views on the proposed development before we submit a planning application. 


  • Boarhunt And Southwick


  • Local Residents


  • New Affordable Housing