Tenant Conference
Feedback updated 28 Apr 2020
We asked
This survey was to explore further what tenants told us in the 2019 Tenants Satisfaction Survey about how the ‘Tenant Conference’ can be improved.
You said
There is a fairly even split between those tenants who had heard of the tenant conference before receiving the survey (52%) and those who hadn’t (48%).
Estate improvements is by far the most popular topic tenants want to hear about at the Conference (47%), with a further 4 suggestions in the free text box. This was followed by fire safety (21%) and Climate Change (19%). Although there were a further 8 suggestions around the topic of climate emergency in the free text box. There were 12 free text comments around the topic of parking and 11 on the broad subject of Repairs and Maintenance.
When asked to explain their ‘other’ response to not being interested in attending 14 people commented that they would not be able to attend due to work commitments, 11 comments were due to personal circumstances including caring responsibilities and 11 comments were saying they felt it would be a waste of their time.
39% of respondents didn’t know they could get help with transport, but now knowing this they would be more likely to attend, and 12% of respondents said they didn’t know there is entertainment for children and now knowing this they are more likely to attend.
We did
Unfortunately due to the restrictions in place to prevent the spread of Covid-19 the event that was planned for May 2020 has been postponed. Check out our website for any updated information.
Winchester City Council holds a Tenant Conference every two years at the Guildhall in Winchester with presentations, workshops and other activities for tenants and members of their household. The next event is scheduled for 16th May 2020. It offers Winchester City Council tenants a chance to find out about and feedback on their housing service, meet with other tenants, housing staff and other agencies.
Why your views matter
This survey is to explore further what tenants told us in the 2019 Tenants Satisfaction Survey about how this event can be improved.
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