Pound Road, Kingsworthy - bike and bin store provision
Residents at Pound Road are being consulted regarding proposals to introduce communal bike stores at the site, along with removing the existing individual wheeled refuse/recycling bins and replacing with larger 1100 litre "eurobins".
Why your views matter
Currently residents have no secure area to keep bicycles, and as a result these are often stored in the communal corridors and landings, creating a potential health and safety risk. Residents have been advised that the bikes cannot be stored in these areas, as part of the "clear landings" policy, and to this end the City Council are looking to provide an alternative storage area.
The car parks and adjacent footpaths are also regularly blocked with refuse and recycling bins, which are not always appropriately stored. The City Council are therefore consulting residents to determine if these bins should be replaced by larger capacity eurobins, which would be stored in a designated bin store at the end of the car park.
Residents have been sent a letter explaining the proposals, and have been asked to reply via the enclosed form, indicating their preferences
What happens next
The results will be analysed and the outcome fed back to residents via a letter. Should the majority of residents be in favour, the bike stores and bin stores will be ordered and installed.
- Kings Worthy
- Council Tenants
- Social Housing
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