Ground Floor Preference
Winchester City Council are considering introducing a new policy relating to the allocation of ground floor accommodation through the Hampshire Home Choice housing register.
This would mean that when we allocate bungalows and ground floor maisonettes and flats we would give priority to applicants with a need to live in this type of accommodation. This ground floor need would be assessed by Winchester City Council as part of the application process to Hampshire Home Choice. Examples of applicants with a ground floor need would include those with mobility issues, disabilities and/or other health conditions which prevent them from safely living in other types of accommodation such as houses or flats/maisonettes above the ground floor.
This priority would be applied to all types of ground floor accommodation including age-restricted bungalows and sheltered housing schemes.
Please give us your views by completing the online survey below by Sunday 10th January 2021.
As a thank you for taking part in this survey, we would like to offer a randomly selected respondent a £50 ‘Love2Shop’ shopping voucher for participating. Just tick the 'yes' box when asked in the survey.
More details about the prize draws and Terms and Conditions can be found by following this link.
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