Fire Safety Strategy

Closed 20 Sep 2019

Opened 23 Aug 2019

Feedback updated 26 Nov 2019

We asked

We asked tenants and leaseholders questions to better understand their perspective in relation to fire safety in their homes.

You said

In total we had 458 responses.

For general needs tenants as a whole group, the location of exit routes (26%) and number of exits routes (15%) are by far the areas of most concern when it comes to what makes tenants feel unsafe in their homes. This is mirrored for sheltered tenants with the location of exit routes and number of exits routes both getting 24%. Leaseholders’ area of greatest concern is residents’ personal belongings being left on landing or communal spaces (22%).

A large number of respondents selected that they felt neither satisfied nor unsatisfied with the information provided by Winchester City Council. When looking at the free text responses following this question 49 stated they did not recall ever receiving any information. While this is not a definitive reason for the ‘neither’ responses it may explain to some extent.

For all tenant and leaseholder groups the preferred methods of receiving advice is either via a housing e-newsletter or postal.


We did

This survey is just one part of what is a very large project looking into fire safety procedures for all of the Council’s housing. The project is ongoing and will eventually result in an updated Fire Safety Strategy, a Fire Safety Engagement Strategy for residents and clearer information and advice on how to stay safe.

It may be a while before you see any changes, but rest assured that a lot of work is going on.

The consultation stage is moving on and we will soon be holding tenant focus groups to look into specific aspects of fire safety, If you ticked you would like to take part in a focus group keep an eye out for emails asking for your availability.

A major part of this project is looking into what, if any, information is provided to tenants and leaseholders. We are reviewing all fire safety publications and how these are communicated to tenants and leaseholders. We have taken onboard that the majority of you would like to receive information either via the housing e-newsletter or postal and are looking into how this will be managed.

A large number of you said the location of exit routes and numbers of exit routes are a concern. This will be considered by a Project Group. Fire signage in all blocks is also in the process of being looked at.

Housing officers will be making residents aware of the importance of fire safety procedures, for example, keeping hall ways clear.

The free text responses of the survey are still be analysed and where appropriate the information provided has been forwarded on to relevant managers for further investigation.


As part of the Government's response to the Grenfell Fire an independent review of Building Regulations and in particular their impact on Fire Safety was commissioned.

One of the recommendations of the independent review was for:

  • a Stronger residents voice

Further recommendations in the plan for applying these points included;

  • Putting residents at the heart of the new system of building safety through better engagement between them and those managing their buildings.

Why your views matter

Winchester City Council Housing department wants to hear tenants’ and leaseholders views to inform a Fire Safety Engagement Strategy for WCC buildings. This will set out how they will share information and engage with residents on fire safety.

This survey is a key part of this and will have a large part to play in shaping the strategy. As a tenant or leaseholder this is your opportunity to have a say on the current information provided on fire safety and what you would like to see. 

There are no more than 20, mainly multiple choice questions, and it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to complete.          

Please give us your views by completing the online survey below by Friday 20th September 2019.

As a thank you for taking part in this survey, we would like to offer a randomly selected Winchester City Council tenant a £50 ‘Love2Shop’ shopping voucher for participating & submitting their details. You will also be in with a chance of winning the annual draw of a prize up to £200. 

More details about the prize draws and Terms and Conditions can be found on the WCC Tenant Involvement Page. 



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