James Howell Court - car park improvement/bin store installation

Closed 8 Apr 2016

Opened 21 Mar 2016

Results expected 18 Apr 2016

Feedback expected 25 Apr 2016


As part of the Estate Improvement Programme, plans have been drawn up to improve the existing car park to create more spaces, and to remove the small wheeled bins, replaced with larger container bins, housed in a dedicated communal bin store.

Why your views matter

The current car park is fairly small and the surface is very uneven due to a large tree disturbing the ground levels.  The tree has now been removed as it was unsafe, and to this end the existing car park needs to be resurfaced.  It would be beneficial to use this as an opportunity to improve the area by increasing the amount of parking, and improving refuse disposal provision.

What happens next

The responses will be collated and the results fed back to residents after the consultation closes. 

Should the majority of the residents be in favour of the work, it is anticipated that the scheme will be submitted for tender towards the end of May, with works commencing in June/July 2016.  These timings are approximate, and are subject to change depending on detailed design and contractor availability.



  • Denmead


  • Local Residents


  • Social Housing