Affordable housing in Woodman Close and Bostock Close, Sparsholt
Results updated 9 Oct 2018
Approximately 60 people attended the event on 16th June 2018 and we had a total of 21 responses. In summary:
- There was clear support for the option of developing upon land owned by the Council. 14 comments specifically supported this, compared to five comments specifically supporting the Council and A2 land option.
- Five comments mentioned support for the provision of housing for local people with a connection to the village, with a further six comments giving general support to the provision of additional affordable housing.
- The most popular parking option was option 1 (in front of Stockwell Place), followed by option 2 (off Woodman Close) and then option 3 (the Green). However, there was overall support for all three of the parking options suggested and nine further comments generally supporting the addition of further car parking.
- Other comments on issues such as the mix, size and design of homes, proximity to neighbours, sewage and the impact on trees and hedges will be considered as part of the ongoing design process. Parking related issues such as the impact on the play area and need to accommodate works vehicles will also be considered as part of the design process.
- Woodman Close - Summary of public consultation feedback from 16 June 2018, 674.3 KB (PDF document)
Winchester is a great place to live but it's expensive too. Winchester City Council is doing something about it!
Join us to view our latest proposal for new affordable housing. And find out how to stay in the loop by registering with Hampshire Home Choice.
Drop in between 10.00am - 14.00pm on Saturday 16 June.
Sparsholt Memorial Hall
Woodman Lane
SO21 2NR
To view more information about the event please view the related documents below
Affordable housing in Woodman Close and Bostock Close, Sparsholt
From 16 May 2018 at 10:00 to 16 Jun 2018 at 14:00
- Sparsholt
- Local Residents
- New Affordable Housing
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