Flourishing Communities

Closed 20 Sep 2021

Opened 20 Aug 2021

Results expected 30 Sep 2021

Feedback expected 11 Oct 2021


In developing the City Council's 'Community & Wellbeing Strategy' we are keen to explore how well some of our key stakeholders consider they are doing against 7 core principles of what is considered makes a 'Flourishing Community.

Why your views matter

Winchester City Council is beginning work on a Community and Wellbeing Strategy that will give clear direction to the work of the Community and Wellbeing team, but will also set out an approach to inform the way in which the rest of the council interacts and works with communities and enables those communities to better engage with the council and other agencies.


The strategy will aim to ensure that communities are connected, resilient and more cohesive and we want to see all communities ‘flourish’.  This self-assessment will help us to better understand where support is most needed and what support we might give, so please complete the following self-assessment as honestly as possible.  Your response will be confidential and only aggregated and/or averaged results will be shared more widely.


If you have any questions regarding this self-assessment, please contact Mark Maitland via mmaitland@winchester.gov.uk or by phone one 01962 848518

What happens next

Information gathered from this survey will influence the content of our Draft Community & Wellbeing Strategy. The draf strategy will hopefully be presented to our HEP committee for consideration in December 2021 and if supported to seek Cabinet approval in January 2022 to take the draft strategy to public consultation during February/March 2022. Following any revisions required we hope to obtain Cabinet appoval for the strategy in June 2022.


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