Closed 11 Jun 2021

Opened 10 May 2021


We have asked a team of consultants to help us prepare a new Park Plan for North Walls Recreation Ground. This sets out a number of ideas for improvements to the site which we want to test with the community of Winchester. The Park Plan can then be used to prioritise the improvements and secure funding for these facilities.

The consultants have developed the draft Park Plan using information from the first engagement event in February 2019 (the results of which can be found on our website) and a series of walking tours around the park in September 2020 with local stakeholders.

Why your views matter

In this survey, we are keen to explore possible improvements and the opportunity to provide new features, bringing further interest and variety into the park.

Even if you are not a current user the recreation ground, we still welcome your views.


What happens next

Once the consultation has closed on Friday 11 June, all feedback will be carefully considered to prepare the final Park Plan.  This will then be used by the City Council to establish priorities and to develop an action plan for delivery.  It will provide a framework which can be used for funding applications to help in delivering the various aspects of the park.

We will continue to update this webpage as the project progresses so please watch for the latest news.


  • All Areas


  • Anyone from any background


  • Community Facility